God's message.
So much to carry. It is your story. Tell others so that they too can have their own story about life with God. 2 Peter chapter 1 verses 20 and 21. For no prophecy recorded in Scripture was ever thought up by the prophet himself. It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men who gave them true messages from God. They are godly men. That means they believe that Christ is our Savior, sent by God, to tell us about God's love and how we have a place in life with Him. They believe that Christ gave His life so that we can have life. Mark chapter 15 says, "Then Jesus uttered another loud cry, and dismissed His spirit. And the curtain in the Temple was spilt apart from top to bottom." (The curtain was a heavy veil hung in front of the room in the Temple called "The Holy of Hollies," a place reserved by God for Himself; the veil separated Him from sinful mankind. Now this veil was spilt from above, showing that Christ's death, for man's sin, had opened up acc...