Not just you!

After all this time, all I had to do was look and listen. Thank You Jesus; You are the what we need.   

Ezekiel chapter 34 verses 11 and 12.
"For the Lord God says: I will search and find My sheep. I will be like a shepherd looking for his flock. I will find My sheep and rescue them from all the places they were scattered in that dark and cloudy day."

The reference of sheep here is being used as a prophesy from the Lord to Ezekiel. In chapter 34 God uses Ezekiel to tell the leaders of Israel that they are not leading for the purpose of God but for themselves. 
   In John chapter 10, Jesus refers to Himself as being the Gate for the sheep. He says in verses 8-11, "All others who came before Me were thieves and robbers. But the true sheep did not listen to them. Yes, I am the Gate. Those who come in by way of the Gate will be saved and will go in and out and find green pastures. The thief's purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness."
   What was your life like before you came to Jesus? Was it empty, confusing and a bit of an upside down mess? You may have not even noticed before how people talked against God. And heaven forbid if the subject of God or Jesus came up. The opinions would fly and judgements were made. 
   That all changed when God answered your prayers. You had been seeking a better life for so long. You tried buying it, you tried creating it, you even tried to not pay attention to life, thinking that you would have to settle for what has been given to you. 
   Now you know that is not true. What is true, is God has answered your payers and has not faltered from His promises. In John chapter 9 a blind man was healed by Jesus. He tried to tell the people that it was Jesus who healed him but some listened and some did not. Then Jesus said to him, "Do you believe in the Messiah?" The man answered, "Who is He, sir, for I want to." "You have seen Him," Jesus said, "and He is speaking to you!" "Yes, Lord," the man said, "I believe!" And he worshiped Jesus. Verse 39 says, "Then Jesus told him, I have come into the world to give sight to those who are spiritually blind and to show those who think they see, that they are blind."
   You believe what has happened to you, others may not be sure and some may be vocal about their feelings. Think about incidents that you have had to deal with in the past, how you worried and stressed. How you had to fight your way through. The list of devastating circumstances that people go through is huge and each one can have long lasting affects. 
   Now think about Jesus and that He is with you at all times, no matter what it is you are dealing with. You smile realizing that nothing else matters except Jesus. You seem to have the peace and answers for what you need. He has come through for you so many times that you have a tear for His love. That you sing out in praise and that you worship Him with gratitude and joy. 
   You now know that you have been robbed of lost time but no longer are you lost. Jesus has shown you God's love and your place with Him. You can live with Him everywhere you go and in everything you do. And because of your faithfulness to Him, He provides your needs. 
   I had been burned in love too many times, leaving me with hurt and doubts. It was only after I had come to God that I met my wife. Not just a wife but my best friend forever. I often thought, how do spouses stay married for so many years? You know 30 years, 40, 50, 60 or more! Wow! Now I understand. God has blessed me with my wife and He is there with us everyday. 
   The story of Joseph from the later chapters of Genesis show how God can enter into a persons thoughts and become the focus of the path they want to walk. Joseph was not any different than you or I. He was an average everyday guy who went about his business. He said some things and did things that were not uncommon, but were not acceptable by others. The verses keep saying that the Lord was with Joseph. 
   What was it that made you think of God? Was it the hardships and the want for some understanding? Or was it God who placed an idea in your head because He knew you would seek after Him? Whatever the reasons God is with you, just as He was with Joseph and the many others who have found favor with Him. 
   Jesus said in John chapter 8 verses 31 and 32, "You are truly My disciples if you live as I tell you to, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." 
   You have found your way and your heart is filled with excitement and the joy of happiness. But all around you are those who have not found what you have, in fact they may not understand what you are saying and they may not want to hear about it.
   You have been put into your current situation and you know that you do not want to change anything. You are a miracle that others see and enjoy being around. You love to share your experiences with those who want to listen. You know that the only way is for you to step up and love others and be helpful to them. 
   It is totally different than how you lived before and you may even struggle with some of the things you are feeling but your joy is stronger than those struggles and pain. You do have to go through hardships and learning curves in order to succeed. The joy of Jesus is a lifetime of freedom from yourself. Having a truly happy life where you are content and filled with the joy of God's love in everything, all the time, means it is not all about you, but about the paths you walk with Him.
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for listening to my problems and cries for help. Thank You for Your mercies and Your grace upon all who follow You. 😊 

John chapter 15 verse 21. 
Jesus told them, "The people of the world will persecute you because you belong to Me, for they do not know God who sent Me."  

Proverbs chapter 1 verse 29-33. 
"For you closed your eyes to the facts and did not choose to reverence and trust the Lord, and you turned your back on Me spurning My advice. That is why you must eat the bitter fruit of having your own way, and experience the full terrors of the pathway you have chosen. For you turned away from Me---to death; you own complacency will kill you. Fools! But all who listen to Me shall live in peace and safety, unafraid." 

Philippians chapter 4 verse 13.
I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power. 




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