
They are all busy. You know where to look. See what you have discovered? Know one can take that from you. Look it's Jesus!

Luke chapter 6 verse 21.
What happiness there is for you who are now hungry, for you are going to be satisfied!  

To be hungry is a desire or carving of something. And that desire can cause people to do all sorts of things until that craving is fulfilled. 
   In my case the desire was love. I was empty and had been for along time. Always fooling myself with hopes and false living. What I thought was real was a never ending life of foolishness. 
   I had no idea what was going to come from speaking to God, but the result was the best decision I ever made. I found Him there waiting for me. Is it unrealistic to say that you can receive fulfillment from something you cannot see or touch? 
   It did create all sorts of doubt in my mind, and that was probably why I had never looked that way before, but so many others over the years had received something and I wanted to know if it was something that would help me. There are churches everywhere and I had no desire to become one of those people. Yet there are so many, of them, who look to God and go to these buildings to sing and hear words spoken about Him. 
   What would it hurt for me to speak to the air, using His name and asking Him for help? Alone in a room, where no else could hear me, I spoke out to Him. I may have been drunk, I may have been under the influence of drugs, I may have been angry and I may have said some things that were uncalled for but the fact remained that the moment I spoke out to Him was the moment my life changed. 
   I was hungry and He fed me. 
   A time may come when you become exhausted from always trying so hard to fill that unknown feeling that constantly gnaws at you. What is the answer to having a peaceful life filled with a joyful heart, that is satisfied with everything? 
   In 1 Samuel chapter 17, David, stood before a giant of a man who wanted to kill him and those he loved. Verse 45; "David shouted in reply, "You come to me with a sword and a spear, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of the armies of heaven and of Israel---the very God whom you have defiled."
   What confidence he had. You too can have that same confidence. All you need to do is believe that God is there to help you. You have to try, for if you do not then you will be left in the same place you have always been. It is your hunger for a better life that will be your want and will power to ask God for help. 
   In Isaiah chapter 42 we read about God's promise to His Servant, the Messiah. Verses 6-9 say, "I the Lord have called You to demonstrate My righteousness. I will guard and support You, for I have given You to My people as the personal confirmation of My covenant with them. You shall also be a light to guide the nations unto Me. You will open the eyes of the blind, and release those who sit in prison darkness and despair. I am the Lord! That is My name, and I will not give My glory to anyone else; I will not share My praise with carved idols. Everything I prophesied came true, and now I will prophesy again, I will tell You the future before it happens."
   We are God's children. He is the one who has given us life, a life that is to be enjoyed. Stop wasting away those precious moments on trying so hard to control and create a peaceful life. God is all powerful. He has made a promise to give you a life of happiness and peace, so why not take Him up on it? 
   Death hurts! Living in pain hurts! Living in depression hurts! Step away with Jesus and see God's world as it is meant to be seen. 
   Jesus says in Matthew chapter 11, "Come to Me and I will give you    rest---all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. Wear My yoke---for it fits perfectly---and let Me teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls; for I give you only light burdens."
   When something fits perfectly. you feel comfortable and classy. Like you have it all together, glad to show off what you have. That is the hunger God wants you to have for Him. He wants you to see Jesus as your Savior. He wants to hear your praise to Him. He wants to know you are thankful to Him and that you are constantly looking to Him for His protection, His guidance and love. 
   I read this morning about the "what if's." Everyday we wonder what if it was this way or that. Then things would be so much better. We cannot help it. It is in us to worry and wonder. So much time in life is lost to wondering "what if." Our joy for life, cannot be lost to silly thoughts that consume us. Our joy should be the thankful heart of God's amazing love. That is the satisfied hunger craving that can no longer fill your time with "what if."
   Humans do worry. We are the cause of our troubles. Psalms chapter 65 says it best, "He formed the mountains, He quiets the raging oceans and all the worlds clamor. His acts will startle everyone. The dawn and sunset shout for joy! He waters the earth and makes it fertile. The rivers of God will not run dry! He sends the people rich harvests. He waters the furrows with abundant rain. He is the one who crowns it all green, lush pastures in the wilderness, hillsides blossom with joy. The pastures are filled with flocks of sheep, and the valleys are carpeted with grain. All the world shouts with joy and sings."
   Colossians chapter 3 verse 2 says, "Let heaven fill your thoughts; do not spend your time worrying about things down here." 
   There will always be distractions, things that cause us worry and grief, but be strengthened by God and what Jesus did for you. Your hunger is in knowing the truth of life. So smile each day and talk to God about everything. Praise Him! See His hand upon you and gain comfort, fulfillment from being satisfied that He has got you beside Him.
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for Your saving grace and mercies. For Your eternal love.😊 

Romans chapter 12 verses 19-21.
Never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God, for He has said that He will repay those who deserve it. Do not take the law into your own hands. Instead feed your enemy if he is hungry. If he is thirsty give him something to drink and you will be 'heaping coals of fire upon his head.' In other words, he will feel ashamed of himself for what he has done to you. Do not let evil get the upper hand but conquer evil by doing good. 

John chapter 4 verses 10-14.
Jesus replied, "If you only knew what a wonderful gift God has for you, and who I am, you would ask Me for some living water!" "But you do not have a rope or a bucket," she said, "and this is a very deep well! Where would You get this living water? And besides, are You greater than our ancestor Jacob? Hw can You offer better water than this which he and his sons cattle enjoyed?" Jesus replied that people soon became thirsty again after drinking this water. "But the water I give them," He said, "becomes a perpetual spring within them, watering them forever with eternal life."

Luke chapter 6 verse 38.
Jesus said to them, "For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give---large or small---will be used to measure what is given back to you."


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