His Word
After the storms is the warmth of the Light. Jesus is God's Light sent to show you the beauty of life with Him.
Psalms chapter 119 verses 9-20.
How can a young man stay pure? By reading the Word and following its rules. I have tried my best to find You---do not let me wander off from Your instructions. I have thought much about Your words, and stored them in my heart so that they hold me back from sin. Blessed Lord, teach me Your rules. I have recited Your laws, and rejoiced in them more than in riches. I will meditate upon them and give them my full respect. I will delight in them and not forget them. Bless me with life so that I can continue to obey You. Open my eyes to see wonderful things in Your Word. I am but a pilgrim here on earth; how I need a map---and Your commands are my chart and guide. I long for Your instructions more than I can tell.
Before I came to have life with God, I did not have much direction. I lived by the seat of my pants, hoping for good results.
When I was in high school, I was an average student who did ok with the academics. In grade ten I was asked by the guidance counselor what my intentions for the future were. I had no idea. I liked my friends and the way my life was going, I was not thinking about the future.
Before graduating I left home and moved to away. My parents knew where I was and we had a good relationship. I just needed to follow my own paths. My dad told me to always work hard and do the very best I could. That advice worked as I started out. I found that by working hard I would be given more responsibility and larger expectations.
It was when I wanted to expand that I ran into attitudes. I hated the fear of the unknown and rejection. If I was going to be without work, what was my future going to look like without any experience. I needed a good resume'.
There were many fears in my life, some of them felt like I would never get through them, but I did and today I can see how God was watching over me. It is so funny to think that God is with you when you do not even think about Him at all. But He is! He does care about you for He knows the paths that you will take long before you take them.
In Mark chapter 14, Jesus calls out to God, "Father, Father everything is possible for You. Take away this cup from Me. Yet I want Your will not mine."
It was when I called out to God that He heard me. I could not believe what happened next. Real life began with Him showing Himself in everything. And not just once or twice, and not just here and there but all the time and forever. The addictions went away. A peace came over me. And I felt welcome and happy.
The words of the Bible talked right into my life. They were changing me as I long to live in the presence of God, with Jesus and filled with His Holy Spirit. The stories and the predictions stated by the writers are meant to reach those who are seeking something. And that something is God.
In John chapter 1, John the Baptist says, "I did not know He was the one, but at the time God sent me to baptize He told me, 'When you see the Holy Spirit descending and resting upon someone---He is the one you are looking for. He is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.' I saw it happen to this man, and I therefore testify that He is the Son of God."
The Word of God, is Jesus and He is the one who will come into your life. He is the one who will baptize you with God's Holy Spirit, and He will never leave you. You will forever be thankful.
In John chapter 14 Jesus said, "I will only reveal Myself to those who love Me and obey Me. The Father will love them too, and we will come to them and live with them. Anyone who does not obey Me does not love Me. And remember, I am not making up this answer to your question! It is the answer given by the Father who sent Me. I am telling you these things now while I am still with you. But when the Father sends the Comforter instead of Me---and by the Comforter I mean the Holy Spirit---He will teach you much, as well as remind you of everything I Myself have told you."
It all sounds good and dandy but the truth is we have lived for years without God, knowing Jesus or having the Holy Spirit's promptings. It is all a new experience and it will be your excitement that will keep you enthralled with God.
Romans chapter 8 says, "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. And we should not be like cringing, fearful slaves, but behave like God's own children, adopted into the bosom of His family, and calling Him, Father, Father. For His Holy Spirit speaks deep in our hearts, and tells us that we really are God's children. And since we are His children, we will share His treasures---for all God gives to His Son Jesus is now ours too."
I would not have believed it until I called out to God in my time of desperation and Jesus lifted me up into life with Him and a joy that has not left me for more than 24 years. It truly is forever.
There will always be concerns, but they are not God's fault. He is the one who has given us Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Always look at the goodness of what you have and be thankful to God. Hold close to the Word of God and be at peace with all your circumstances. Jesus loves you, you are God's child and His Holy Spirit makes you stand out as His.
Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You that after many trials You hear our cries and we get to call You Father, Father. 😊
Philippians chapter 2 verses 13-16.
For God is at work within you, helping you do what He wants. In everything you do, stay away from complaining and arguing, so that no one can speak a word of blame against you. You are to live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of people who are crooked and stubborn. Shine out among them like beacon lights, holding out to them the Word of Life.
John chapter 1 verses 1-5.
Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God. (Literally, "The Word," meaning Christ, the wisdom and the power of God and the first cause of all things; God's personal expression of Himself to men.) He has always been alive and is Himself God. He created everything there is---nothing exists that He did not make. Eternal life is in Him, and this life gives light to all mankind. His life is the light that shines through the darkness---and the darkness can never extinguish it.
John chapter 14 verse 27.
Jesus told them, "I am leaving you with a gift---peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give is not fragile like the peace the world gives. So do not be troubled or afraid."
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