
Why are you looking so baffled? It is real, and it is God who has done for you what you cannot believe. 

John chapter 5 verses 39 and 40.
Jesus says to them, "You search the Scriptures, for you believe they give you eternal life. And the Scriptures point to Me! Yet you won't come to Me so that I can give you this life eternal!" 

Jesus continues in John chapter 5 to explain how easy it is to believe in something but to miss the right area altogether. 
   You can read the Scriptures and be thankful for what they speak about, you can go to church and listen to someone talk about the Scriptures and then go out into the world and not practice what you have heard. You can watch evangelists on TV and not get what it is they are talking about. 
   You want to believe in Jesus, but it is very difficult to believe fully in Him when turmoil and death happen. When you are hungry or in need of shelter, how desperate will you become? Are your thoughts on Jesus and that God can provide? It can be very trying upon someone's faith. All is good when money is coming in and there is peace in your life. There is way more to this life, than watching over our stuff and worrying.
   In Mark chapter 11, Jesus while walking with the disciples, felt hungry. He noticed a fig tree in full bloom and went to get a fig from it, but no, there were only leaves upon it, for it was way to early in the season for fruit. Jesus said to the tree, "You shall never bear fruit again!" And the disciples heard Him say it.
   It seem kind of harsh for the Messiah to do such an act but it was done as an example of what it is like, to look like you are something, when you are not fully what you should be. 
   Later in the chapter, they come across the withered fig tree again and taking notice of it, Jesus replied to them, "If only you have faith in God---this is the absolute truth---you can say to this Mount of Olives, 'Rise up and fall into the Mediterranean,' and your command will be obeyed. All that is required is that you really believe and have no doubt! Listen to Me! You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you have it; it's yours! But when you are praying first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father, in heaven will forgive you, your sins too." 
   How many times a day do you take your thoughts, the desires and temptations of your old self and nail them to His cross and crucify them there? Because of what God has done to us through Jesus and knowing the we live under the watchful eye of God, we are prepared and aware of the circumstances of falling back and doing things that will cause nothing but grief and greed. 
   It is not easy to avoid temptation and those desires that continually taunt you. Others have stuff, others may look better than you. Others are not you and there are many others who struggle harder than you do. Yet what happens to others still sits upon our thoughts and there is always a soft place in our hearts for those who do struggle. 
   How did Jesus deal with it? He knew God and His love for Him. And that is the purpose of our life. To know God and to be filled with the love He has for us. 
   Nothing else matters. We help as we can. We focus totally upon God and the life of Jesus. We stand out as His children. We are not here to criticize or be judgemental, but to help and serve. Psalms chapter 91 verses 1 and 2 say, "We live within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the God who is above all god's. This I declare, that He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I am trusting Him." 
   Psalms chapter 91 verses 14-16 say, " For the Lord says, Because he loves Me, I will rescue him; I will make him great because he trusts in My name. When he calls upon Me I will answer; I will be with him in trouble, and rescue him and honor him. I will satisfy him with a full life and give him My salvation."
   With promises like that we can come to God and through Jesus, live with God. There is no more doubt. There may be a never ending struggle with those who do not see Jesus as you do, there may be temptations and desires pulling at you constantly, but God has given you salvation to life with Him.
   He is your place of refuge, the place where you are strong and sure footed. Confident in trusting God to be your guide and protector. You pray to Him about everything. You do not leave nothing out. You praise Him for everything and even in your mistakes, He is the one you are turning to for help. 
   In Isaiah chapter 54, God is speaking through the prophet saying, "In those coming days, no weapon turned against you shall succeed, and you will have justice against every courtroom lie. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. This is the blessing I have given you, says the Lord."
   As God's children we are under His watchful eye. Always aware of His love for us, always filled with praise and gratitude. 
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You that we are no longer blind or doubtful of You. Thank You for Your love. 😊   
Philippians chapter 4 verse 13.
I can do everything God asks me to do with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and the power. 

Mark chapter 4 verses 22-25.
Jesus said to the crowds, "All that is now hidden will someday come to light. If you have ears, listen! And be sure to put into practice what you hear. The more you do this, the more you will understand what I tell you. To him who has shall be given; from him who has not shall be taken away even what he has."

Matthew chapter 22 verses 29-32. 
But Jesus said, "Your error is caused by your ignorance of the Scriptures and of God's power! For in the resurrection there is no marriage; everyone is as the angels in heaven. But now, as to whether there is a resurrection of the dead---don't you ever read the Scriptures? Don't you realize that God was speaking directly to you when He said, 'I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob'? So God is not the God of the dead but of the living."    


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