Seek Him.

What once was hazy and overwhelming can be clearly seen, so you do not stumble of fall. Walk with Jesus. You will see!

1 Chronicles chapter 28 verses 8-10.
Then King David turned to Solomon and said, "Here before the leaders of Israel, the people of God and in the sight of our God, I am instructing you to search out every commandment of the Lord so that you may continue to rule this good land and leave it to your children to rule forever. Solomon, my son, get to know the God of your fathers. Worship and serve Him with a clean heart and a willing mind, for the Lord sees every heart and understands and knows every thought. If you seek Him, you will find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will permanently throw you aside. So be very careful, for the Lord has chosen you to build His holy temple. Be strong and do as He commands." 

You need to know who God is, in order to know the righteous life He wants you to have. 
   Who is God to you? You have had struggles, heartaches and pain in life. You have enjoyed yourself. You don't know whether to believe in God or not. It's your life and the time that you are here is valuable to you, so why would you spend any of it on worshipping a God?
   Maybe you believe things just happen. Maybe you think it's a waste of time to fill your thoughts with the possibility of a Creator. I had a good life. A life I abused. Without any thought to my future, I worked hard and played hard. The result was loneliness and addictions. Maybe I made good money, maybe I could get whatever I wanted but that did not help me when relationships went sour or the death of someone close happened.
   Are you someone who speaks their thoughts? Sometimes that does not work to our benefit. Sometimes we end up causing more trouble then we expected. One misplaced word can quickly change a good time into a not so pleasant situation. We are opinionated and judgemental. We see people all the time who are laid back and have quiet voices. They are ready to help and listen. You see people who seem to have it all together and maybe you wish you could have a life that gives you the things you would like. 
   You have tried and each time you get frustrated with the outcomes. In the book of Ruth is the story of Naomi and Ruth. They have nothing and are forced to scavenge the ground for left over grains, working in the hot dusty heat of the day behind the workers in a field. Hoping for any grain they missed. This man Boaz, whom Ruth had never met before says to her, "May the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, bless you for it." 
   She had to work hard to survive, and was unsure of what the future looked like. The story turned out to be a blessing from God. The person she met would take care of her and eventually become her husband. If your troubles seem like there is no place for you to turn. If it seems like no one understands your feelings, do not be dismayed. Anger and frustration are part of the troubles we deal with. It is just knowing that God is there to listen to you. Let Him have all that is built up inside you. 
   It is through your coming to Him that He can help you. No one is going to judge you, because this is between you and God alone. The results will astonish you and all because you put aside your own misbeliefs. A simple prayer may lead you to a life of peace and understanding. Let your guard down, set aside your pride and talk to Him with hope.
   You already have an idea of who God is. He is powerful, He Created the earth and skies. He created night and day. He created animals and human beings, so if He is asking for you to come to Him and telling you that He wants to watch over you and care for you as one of His children, then why would you not seek His offer? 
   You are left to make your own decisions. He is only making you an offer for a peaceful life where you know that He is involved with you and that you are so thankful to Him for Jesus and the invitation to walk with Him daily. In Job chapter 42 we read in verse 3 Job's reply to God, "You ask who it is who has so foolishly denied Your providence. It is I. I was talking about things I knew nothing about and did not understand, things far too wonderful for me." 
   Job had his fair share of problems, the type where people are sad for him and feel his pain. In verse 10 Job prayed for those who tried to mislead him. It was Job's forgiveness and plea to God for others that brightened his future. 
   In order to have a life with God you must be ready to let go of trying to make life fit the way you want it to and trust in God's promises to bring you into life with Him. Jesus is ready, He will come to you and you will see Him in your life. Matthew chapter 7 verses 7 and 8 say, "Ask and you will be given what you ask for. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Anyone who seeks, finds. If only you will knock, the door will be opened."
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for Your mercies and grace. A little crack of light in the dark leads to a life full of light. 😊     

Philippians chapter 3 verse 3.
Paul said, "We Christians glory in what Christ Jesus has done for us and realize that we are helpless to save ourselves."

Matthew chapter 7 verses 13 and 14.
Jesus said to them, "Heaven can be entered only through the narrow gate! The highway to hell is broad, and it's gate is wide enough for all the multitudes who choose it's easy way. But the Gateway to Life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it." 

Psalms chapter 5 verses 1-3.
"O Lord, hear me praying; listen to my plea, O God my King, for I will never pray to anyone but You. Each morning I will look to You in heaven and lay my requests before You, praying earnestly."


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