He is amazing.
Use the Word to prepare your day. God is with you always.
Proverbs chapter 4 verses 11-13.
I would have you learn this one fact: that a life of doing right is the wisest life there is. If you live that kind of life, you'll not limp or stumble as you run. Carry out My instructions; do not forget them, for they will lead you into real living.
In Psalms chapter 139 verses 1-5 we read that God is with us always. It says; "O Lord, You have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit or stand. When far away You know my every thought. You chart the path ahead of me, and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment, You know where I am. You know what I am going to say before I even say it. You both precede and follow me, and place Your hand of blessing on my head."
Then in verses 6-12 we read King David's response; "This is too glorious, too wonderful to believe! I can never be lost to Your Spirit! I can never get away from My God! If I go up to heaven, You are there, If I go down to the place of the dead, You are there. If I ride the morning winds to the farthest oceans, even there Your hand will guide me, Your strength will support me. If I try to hide in the darkness, the night becomes light around me. For even darkness cannot hide from God; to You the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are both alike to You."
God is the same with all people. He knows everything about us and is with us always. We are never alone. He would not say such things unless they were true. Imagine He knows when we sit or stand. He is the one who charts our paths and prevents us from stumbling. He knows when we need rest and in verse 5 there is the mention of Jesus with us always. Your Holy Spirit is here to guide us and keep us on Your paths. Our thoughts are not always the right ones but as God's children we are promptly aware of the mistakes we make and the corrections we should follow.
I love the response. God's love for you is more then you could imagine. Why would He care so much about you? Who are you to deserve His unfailing love and generosity? The moment you call out to Him, you are recognizing Him as God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Your life has been without Him up to this point, and now the time has come when you feel it is right to call upon Him. He sees, that as His child, who was lost, returning to Him, seeking a life with Him.
Psalms chapter 139 also talks about God as our creator. How wonderfully complex we are and how marvelous His workmanship is. We deal with a lot of stuff. Health, relationships, finances. It's no wonder that our minds are distracted and weary. Something is always broken and in need of repair.
If God is the creator then would you not find that to be amazing? If He can create you, then would you not think that He wants to care for His creation? He loves being involved with you and being there as you talk to Him.
The joy we have, no matter what is going on in life, is that God is with us, and that the Holy Spirit is reflecting through us our love for Jesus.
Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You that we are not alone in life. Your amazing love makes each day fulfilled. 😊
Mark chapter 4 verses 39-41.
Then Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Quiet down!" And the wind fell, and there was a great calm! And He asked them, "Why were you so fearful? Do you not even yet have confidence in Me?" And they were filled with awe and said among themselves, "Who is this man, that even the winds and seas obey Him?"
Hebrews chapter 1 verses 1-3.
Long ago God spoke in many different ways to our fathers through the prophets(in visions, dreams, and even face to face) telling them little by little about His plans. But now in these days He has spoken to us through His Son to whom He has given everything and through whom He made the world and everything there is. God's Son shines out with God's glory, and all that God's Son is and does marks Him as God. He regulates the universe by the mighty power of His command. He is the one who died to cleanse us and clear our record of all sin, and then sat down in highest honor beside the great God of heaven.
Psalms chapter 119 verse 165.
Those who love Your laws have great peace of heart and mind and do not stumble.
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