You're the boss!
We are small in a world so large, yet we are huge in God's eyes. Thank you Jesus!
Psalms chapter 139 verse 5.
You both precede and follow me, and place Your hand of blessing on my head.
How much of your life do you think you are in control of? You say, "I'm going to do this or that" but then something happens and your plans change. Maybe you forgot what it is you wanted to do, maybe some unforeseen accident happened or maybe someone said something that changed your plans. There are a number of reasons that can have an affect upon our days. So we adapt and adjust.
Are you someone who has to be in total control all the time and if you are not do you get frustrated, bothered and sometimes angry? Do you say things that others find offensive or silly? Trying to be the leader can rub some people the wrong way. A good leader is someone who is willing to listen to others and is prepared to serve without complaint. Gossiping is misleading, thinking of others lower than yourself is being judgemental.
James chapter 4 verses 13-16 say, "Look here, you people who say, 'Today or tomorrow we are going to such and such a town, stay there a year, and open up a profitable business.' How do you know what is going to happen tomorrow? For the length of your lives is as uncertain as the morning fog---now you see it; soon it is gone. What you ought to say is, "If the Lord wants us to, we shall live and do this or that." Otherwise you will be bragging about your own plans, and such self-confidence never pleases God.
We do not know what tomorrow may bring. In fact we do not know what the next moment is about to bring. We do know the moment we are in, but we do not know what the next step is going to bring. That sounds a little silly but we live by chance. We move forward whether we know or not, blindly taking each moment as it comes. The most amazing thing is our thoughts adjust quickly to each circumstance. It is the challenge and excitement of what's next that motivates us into moving ahead.
Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 11 says, "Everything is appropriate in it's own time. But though God has planted eternity in the hearts of men, even so, man cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end." Are you satisfied with your life? Is it missing that special someone, who you have shared so much time and memories with? Maybe you have not found that person and do not mind being independent. Love is an amazing thing. You long for it but then when you get it, you find it hard to get along with.
God does not work like that. You are invited into life with Him and He would love to see you seek after Him. His door is open to everyone. You just need to believe He is real and that He wants to have an affect on your life like it has never been affected before. Is He a fairytale that could possibly be real? How many God's have you actually known or trusted in? You have probably taken chances before so why not take a chance on Him? How much worse could your life be? He is the one who is offering you life.
You have a choice, continue as you are or reach out to the one who can seriously make a change that you will be astonished at. In John chapter 15 verses 26 and 27, Jesus, says, "I will send you the Comforter---the Holy Spirit, the source of all truth. He will come to you from the Father and will tell you all about Me."
It is an amazing day when the Holy Spirit touches your life. It is a kiss from God, who has heard your prayers and knows your heart. You will be forever changed and filled with a glorious feeling that surrounds you everyday.
Thank You Father for Jesus. Your promise to all mankind is and will forever be our home. 😊
James chapter 1 verses 17 and 18.
But whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God, the Creator of all light, and He shines forever without change or shadow. And it was a happy day for Him, when He gave us our new lives, through the truth of His Word, and we became as it were, the first children in His new family.
Matthew chapter 7 verse 24.
Jesus said, "All who listen to My instructions and follow them are wise, like a man who builds his house on solid rock."
John chapter 4 verses 21-23.
Jesus replied, "The time is coming ma'am when all will no longer be concerned about whether to worship the Father here in Jerusalem. For it is not where we worship that counts, but how we worship---is our worship spiritual and real? Do we have the Holy Spirit's help? For God is Spirit, and we must have His help to worship as we should. The Father wants this kind of worship from us."
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