Choose wisely.

Do you choose the old one or the restored one? Jesus can take what is worn and bring it new life. 

Isaiah chapter 40 verses 25-31.
"With whom will you compare Me? Who is My equal?" asks the Holy One. Look up into the heavens! Who created all the stars? As a shepherd leads his sheep, calling each by it pet name, and counts them to see that none are lost or strayed, so God does with stars and planets! O Jacob, O Israel, how can you say that the Lord does not see your troubles and isn't being fair? Don't you yet understand? Don't you know by now that the everlasting God, the Creator of the farthest parts of the earth, never grows faint or weary? No one can fathom the depths of His understanding. He gives power to the tired and worn out, and strength to the weak. Even the youth shall be exhausted, and the young men will all give up. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. 

Our lives can be easily influenced by the world around us. We go to work, we may attend school, we interact with others and form opinions. Those who are closest to us have the biggest impact on our beliefs. If you choose to let God into your life then you will look for others who do the same. 
   You will have to defend you reasons for choosing to follow after Jesus and others will not understand and may say things that hurt. They may even try to pull you back into your old ways, leaving you filled with the same guilt and confusion you fought so hard to get away from. Proverbs chapter 27 verse 17 says, "A friendly discussion is as stimulating as the sparks that fly when iron strikes iron." (NLT) Everything we do has been taught to us by others. So, it is of no surprise that we enjoy good conversation with others who have the same interests as us.   
   The world is filled with all sorts of people, who all live different lives, doing different things. Even if they have the same job to do, they adapt it to the way that best suits them, so that they can accomplish the goals of the task. That means we get along with others so that we are able to do what is required of us. If we are interested in something than we strive to know more, seeking and learning. 
   Our youth takes us through high school and then drops us into the world to find our own way. Everything up to this point is supposed to prepare you so that you can make proper decisions. However, our environments can limit us, because that is what we see first, grow up in and are comfortable with the knowledge and experience we have gained. To take the steps away from that means we are ready to seek after new paths, even if they are unknown to us. 
   But are those choices right? No one knows or can know what the future holds. Only God does and His past experiences have given us Jesus. Maybe you have been taught about God and He is part of your life or maybe you do not know anything of who God is. If God wants to love us, guide us and take care of us then why wouldn't you seek after Him? 
   He can be the one who tells you if the path you have chosen is right for you. He can be the one to lead you and prepares you for making the right decisions. He does this with the words of the bible, with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is known through your peace and accomplishments that He is showing you the way. If you are thankful and feeling joy than it is God who is giving that to you.       
   Deuteronomy chapter 8 tells us to watch out. Verses 10 and 11 say, "When you have eaten your fill, bless the Lord your God for the good land He has given you. But that is the time to be careful! Beware that in your plenty you do not forget the Lord your God and begin to disobey Him."
   All God wants from you is that you see Him as your heavenly Father. The one who created you and has given you life. He is the one who has given you this world to live in and He is the one who wants to watch over you so that in your short time here, you can live in peace with Him and know that He has a place for you forever. Not everyone can accept that, but if you can than you will prosper with His love. 
   Psalms chapter 119 verses 11-16 say, "I have thought much about Your words, and stored them in my heart so that they would hold me back from sin. Blessed Lord, teach me Your rules. I have recited Your laws, and rejoiced in them more than in riches. I will meditate upon them and give them my full respect. I will delight in them and not forget them."
   Around us are many choices. And many choices have led us astray, leaving us to deal with grief, misery and heartache. God wants you to be happy and live in joy. Do you remember anything like that? No matter your age, situation or what you are feeling, God has given you Jesus. He is your way to a life of joy. All you need to do is seek after Him. 
   The bible is there so that you can get to know Him. Jesus has been sent by God to show you the way and God's Holy Spirit is the joy you feel as God works to heal you. It all starts with taking the right steps. 
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You that You are a choice. And through Your grace and mercies we see that You are the right choice. 😊 

Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11. 
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for evil,
to give you a hope and a future." 

Proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 and 6.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. 

Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9.
It is by grace that we are saved through faith, not that of ourselves. It is a gift of God, not of works, lest we boast.

Psalms chapter 34 verses 11-14.
Sons and daughters, come and listen and let me teach you the importance of trusting and fearing the Lord. Do you want a long good life? Then watch your tongue! Keep your lips from lying. Turn from all known sin and spend your time in doing good. Try to live in peace with everyone; work hard at it.



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