Who we are.

I wandered and He came and found me. Now I see Him there always. Thank You Jesus. 

2 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 5.
That experience is something worth bragging about, but I am not going to do it. I am going to boast only about how weak I am and how great God is to use such weakness for His glory. 

Do you like to listen to what others have to say or are you the one talking about yourself? We all have stuff to talk about and most of us think that what we have is the best way to go. Maybe we think that others may pick up on what we have done and apply it to their own lives. 
   The reality is we all live in a hit and miss world. We learn quickly from a young age that we need to work in order to get money to purchase the things we need. Nothing is handed to us for free. And if it is then it will most likely be a one time gift or have a limited time attached. 
   What would your life look like if you did not have purpose? Something that inspires you and reflects the type of person you are. At a young age we are expected to pick a career path and do our best to follow it. That is good for some and not so good for others. There are tons of reasons why career paths get misdirected but that does not stop each day from coming and we have to be strong in the identity of who we are. 
   In Matthew chapter 3 Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist. John told Jesus that it should be him who was being baptized by Jesus and Jesus replied; "Please do it, for I must do all that is right." It goes on to say in verses 16 and 17; After His baptism, as soon as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened to Him and He saw the Spirit of God coming down in the form of a dove. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, and I am wonderfully pleased with Him."
   In Acts chapter 2 the apostle Peter explains who Jesus is. Verses 22-24 say; "Oh men of Israel, listen! God publicly endorsed Jesus of Nazareth by doing tremendous miracles through Him, as you well know. But God, following His prearranged plan, let you use the Roman government to nail Him to the cross and murder Him. Then God released Him from the horrors of death and brought Him back to life again, for death could not keep this man within it's grip." 
   The paths in which you choose may not be what you hoped they would be. You may have been fortunate enough to stumble upon the perfect job that has given you satisfaction. Not everyone gets to enjoy that. Maybe you found the right spouse and enjoy the benefits of love with not to much grief. Not everyone finds that. Maybe your first encounter with loosing someone close to you shook you up and after a short period of grieving, realized that you need to live in your memories and continue on.
   Sadness and grief do happen, thank God for Jesus. He was baptized and when lifted up out of the water, God declared Him as His Son. Many believed He was God's Son but there were many more who had a hard time believing that God's Son would have been born as a human to couple named Mary and Joseph. It was a tough life back then and history has proven that nothing has changed. Life can be hard on us, leaving us struggling, sad and misguided. 
   Jesus offers hope to all people no matter who they are. You may not care to much about what happens to others, because you have so much to deal with in your own life. You are going to be the only one who can make or break how you feel. God is one way! Jesus says in John chapter 14 verses 6 and 7; "I am the Way---yes, and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to the Father except by means of Me. If you had known who I am, then you would have known who My Father is. From now on you know Him---and have seen Him!"
   Instead of always struggling from one failure to the next, exhausted and weary, missing out on the wonderful creations and beauty of God's world, why not ask Jesus for help. God had a plan for Jesus and He has a plan for you. By trusting in God, you find peace and contentment. The world may be falling apart, and troubles may surround you, but the one thing that is sure and forever is God's promise of life with Him, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
   Your mess is holding you down. God will lift you up the same way He lifted Jesus and declared Him as His Son. You deserve to be happy and I don't mean for a moment but for the whole time you are here. Grief and sadness do not do anyone any good. They will happen but at least you are going through them with Jesus. Other believers can relate to the same issues, and also to their experiences with Jesus. Jesus came to serve, not to be served. Enjoy the company of others. 
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for offering us a life with God. Each moment is to be remembered and enjoyed. 😊      

1 Corinthians chapter 1 verses 3-5.
What a wonderful God we have---He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy , and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does He do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass onto them this same help and comfort God has given us. You can be sure the more we undergo sufferings for Christ, the more He will shower us with His comfort and encouragement.  

Ephesians chapter 3 verse 12.
Now we can come fearlessly right into God's presence, assured of His glad welcome when we come with Christ and trust in Him. 

Luke chapter 2 verses 8-14.
That night some shepherds were in the fields outside the village, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly an angel appeared among them, and the landscape shone bright with the glory of the Lord. They were badly frightened, but the angel reassured them. "Do not be afraid!" he said. "I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone! The Savior---yes, the Messiah, the Lord---has been born tonight in Bethlehem! How will you recognize Him? You will find a baby wrapped in a blanket, lying in a manger!" Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others---the armies of heaven---praising God: "Glory to God in the highest heaven," they sang, "and peace on earth for all those pleasing Him." 


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