The seed

God has created an amazing world to enjoy and live in. He sees you as His best creation. Let Jesus show you how beautiful you are. 

Psalms chapter 73 verses 17-26.
Then one day I went into the sanctuary to meditate, and thought about the future of these evil men. What a slippery path they are on---suddenly God will send them sliding over the edge of the cliff and down to their destruction: an instant end to all their happiness, an eternity of terror. Their present life is only a dream! They will awaken to the truth as one awakens from a dream of things that never really were! When I saw this, what turmoil filled my heart! I saw myself so stupid and so ignorant; I must seem like an animal to You, O God. But even so, You love me! You are holding my right hand! You will keep on guiding me all my life with Your wisdom and counsel; and afterwards receive me into the glories of heaven! Whom have I in heaven but You? And I desire no one on earth as much as You! My health fails; my spirits droop, yet God remains! He is the strength of my heart; He is mine forever!

   I like the way a seed is used to illustrate life. A seed can be touched and handled, but it does nothing until it is planted in something. That is when the seed disappears and becomes something totally different. It could be a plant, maybe a bird or an animal, it may even become a human baby. It is the miracle of life. 
   You could speculate or use science to explain where the seed came from, but in reality it is a mystery. If you believe that God created the seed than you also believe in His saving grace which is given to us through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.
   If God places the seed into a woman and gives man the ability to fertilize that seed, then it is God who takes that seed and forms it into a baby. If we are created by God then we are one of His most wonderful and glorious creations. The world and the stars were also created by Him. All living creatures great and small are from Him also. This world and everything in it have been created by God and are a gift from Him for us to experience and enjoy. 
   Now we know that our time here is limited. The bodies we have grow old and weary. Everyday we face joy and sadness, heartaches and achievements. If God has given us this life we have and made our time here so short, if He gave us emotions and a mind that whirls at super speed, then what is our purpose here other than wait out the time, to the end? 
   We can accumulate riches and stuff. We can be leaders and achievers, maybe explorers or inventers. We are only limited by our physical abilities and our want to follow after our dreams. But even that causes grief through limited time. If God put us here to enjoy what we have than how are we supposed to do that when accidents happen, relationships fall apart, greed is overwhelming and those we love wither with age, maybe suffer and then are no longer here with us?  Thank God for Jesus!
   In Exodus chapter 2 we read about this guy Moses. In Egypt, the Hebrews were used as slaves and God had heard their cries of anguish and despair. The King of Egypt felt threatened by the ever expanding numbers of babies being born to the Hebrew nation, so he asked the midwives to kill all the male Hebrew children. God caused the baby Moses to be discovered and saved by the Kings daughter. When Moses became an adult God asked him to be the one who would free the slaves from the tyranny of the Egyptians.
   We never know the direction God is going to take our lives. Born from a seed that God planted, He must have a plan for us. Do you like the life you have? Do you like the person you are? Each of us have our own individuality and that is what makes us who we are. We may be concerned for others, we may even have compassion, but it is in our daily lives, that we exist. 
   No matter who you are, no matter the color of our skin or the languages we speak, we all came from a seed, that was fertilized and developed into who we are today. There is only one way that our intricate bodies could be moulded into a living breathing, conscientious being and that is by God's wonderful grace and mercies. 
   So take a look around you and see God's hand in all there is and be amazed. From a seed came love and a beauty that God loves and cares about. What is the plan for your life? It is to know God, love Jesus and to walk with your head held high as the most beautiful outcome of the seed that God made you from. 
   Jesus is the one who provides the 'Living water'. If you are fed up and run down, then a simple heart felt prayer to Jesus will change your life forever. The words of the Bible are meant to guide you and allow you to see God in all His beauty. You are and have always been His creation, His child. Talk to Him and let Him show Himself to you. You deserve to be your best for Him and He wants to be the best for you. 
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for never leaving, or giving up on us. Thank You for dressing us in our Sunday best, so that You are proud of who we are for You. 😊         

Philippians chapter 4 verse 13.
I can do anything God ask me to, with the help of Christ who gives me the power and the strength.

John chapter 14 verses 19-21.
Jesus told them, "In just a little while I will be gone from the world, but I will still be present with you. For I will live again---and you will too. When I come back to life again, you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. The one who obeys Me is the one who loves Me; and because he loves Me, My Father will love him; and I will too, and I will reveal Myself to him."

John chapter 14 verses 27 and 28.
Jesus replied; "I am leaving you with a gift---peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give is not fragile like the peace the world gives. So do not be troubled or afraid. Remember what I told you---I am going away, but I will come back to you again."


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