He's Coming!
The beauty of God is everlasting. Bask in it now and forever. Thank You Jesus!
Hebrews chapter 3 verses 9 and 10.
But God was patient with them forty years, though they tried His patience sorely; He kept right on doing mighty miracles for them to see. "But," God says, "I was very angry with them, for their hearts were always looking somewhere else instead of up to Me, and they never found the paths I wanted them to follow."
Do you live your life, like today may be your last day? That's hard to do when the days are continually coming and going. You wake up again knowing that their are things to be dealt with. Before we know it time has slipped by and the aches and pains of ageing take the place of our youthful strength.
The problem is you keep waking up to another day. So what is it that you are thankful for? Is it family or wealth or maybe that God has touched your life with Jesus's saving grace? They are all good reasons to be thankful but are you ready for Jesus to return? When He comes will He say "Well done?"
Your past may have not the most admirable, but you did call out to God and ask for His forgiveness. It was in His grace and mercies that you found Jesus, leaving you whole and filled with love. Maybe your job is from home or in an office or on the seas or flying high above the ground. No matter where you are there is interaction with others. There are distractions and temptations. It is very hard to keep focused on God when there is much that can grab our attention away.
Having children, keeps a family busy. Our finances can pile up quickly. And then there is our failing health. The mind may still work but the rest of the body lets you know that time is precious. John chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 say it the best; "For God so loves the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. God did not send Jesus into this world to condemn it, but through Him to be to saved."
God promises to care and love each and every one of us. No matter who we are or what our circumstances may be. When God is the focus of your life then you will see the good in all things. You will see that it is by His grace that you have your job, your family and your health. You will know that He is there with you when troubles come and that He is listening to your prayers.
It is by knowing these things that you reflect the amazing love of God. You are walking through each day with God, just as Adam and Eve did. The world is His creation, His garden and you get to live in it with Him. There was a time when you did not put much thought into who God is, let alone know Jesus.
But now you are very concerned about living a life that is pleasing to God. You are well aware of temptation and desire. You know the Holy Spirit watches over you and is helping you to fit in and get along with others. It is by your actions that others may come to know Jesus. God's love fills you with the joy of Jesus.
The joy you feel is eternal, it never goes away. Your past did not know such amazing joy or would have ever thought that it was possible to have. But God is more than you ever imagined and you are filled with awe. Jesus is coming and you are ready because you know there is no other place you want to be. You don't have to wait for heaven, live in heaven now, with God filling every moment of your days. Jesus did and it is He who has brought you to Him.
Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for explaining what life is all about. I was missing out on so much, now I don't waste a second, for You are with me always. 😊
Mark chapter 4 verses 22-25.
Jesus taught them; "All that is now hidden will someday come to light. If you have ears, listen! And be sure to put into practice what you hear. The more you do this, the more you will understand what I tell you. To him who has, shall be given; from him who has not, shall be taken away even what he has."
Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11.
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, they are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."
Galatians chapter 5 verses 22-25.
But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives He will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.; and here there is no conflict with Jewish laws. Those who belong to Christ have nailed their natural evil desires to His cross and crucified them there. If you are now living by the Holy Spirit's power, let us follow the Holy Spirit's leading in every part of our lives. Then we won't need to look for honors and popularity, which lead to jealousy and hard feelings.
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