What is your reason?

Where you headed? With Jesus you know exactly where you want to be. 

2 Samuel chapter 22 verses 19 and 20.
But the Lord was my salvation. He set me free and rescued me, for I was His delight. 

Why would God care so much for me? 
   I'm not anyone special. I have done some terrible mistakes, I have lied and kept secrets. I'm not a pillar for someone else to base their life upon. I work hard, I try to have people like me. I enjoy conversations and meeting people. I get angry when circumstances call for it. I get frustrated and miserable. I don't take care of myself like I should and as age goes on, I grow tired and weary. 
   I did nothing to warrant God's forgiveness, in fact when the time came, I was down right selfish in my reasons for asking Him for His grace. I did not know what to expect. I did not really expect anything to happen, I guess I felt there was not harm in trying. All the other avenues I had tried kept on giving me grief. Maybe there was short term happiness, maybe I was gullible and easily misguided, whatever the reasons life was going by. I did not know what it is I should be looking for. Everyday was the same and it was taking it's toll on me. It sounds so selfish with high expectations.
   Never the less, I did speak to God. Maybe I was drunk at the time. Maybe I was depressed, maybe I was fed up and angry, but I did call out for His help. And something happened! Maybe He saw more to me than I knew about myself, but something did happen and it made me say thank you to Him. 
   Was that enough to make me trust in Him for everything that rolled around in my thoughts? I did speak to Him again about the important decisions and trials that I needed to overcome. And again things happened that made me give Him the praise. It even astonished me at the outcomes of my requests. What the heck was going on? 
   Was this a score of some well kept secret? I don't know, but I liked the attention I was getting from my asking. Reading the bible helped with understanding God and who He is. In fact it was like the words of the bible related to my issues and helped guide me with the wisdom I needed. 
   I remember a person putting the screws to me in front of my co-workers. His words were challenging, hurtful and urging me into confrontation. Everyone watched and then something happened that even I did not know how to process. I spoke some words that were just what was needed to correct the situation and leave him thinking. 
   I did become arrogant and stupid in my actions thinking that God is watching over me and I can do as I please. I guess I was testing the waters, to see if I would sink or swim. God allowed me to sink and I was drowning in the mistakes of my arrogance. I realized I was being selfish with God, expecting Him to keep on giving me strength, power and blessings, and nothing from me in return. 
   I did not loses sight of Him. The words of the bible seemed to know my situation and slowly the healing of Jesus did it's magic in me. I had been looking at God's invitation all wrong. It wasn't the place to come and explore, it was the place to see how filled with joy everything was for God. 
   It was not about me at all, it is about living in the goodness of His world, giving Him the praise and worship for who He is. He is God! The Creator of all things and it is because of His wonderful grace that Jesus made the way clear for anyone and everyone to come have life with God. Hebrews chapter 11 is about faith. In Genesis chapter 40 we read about Joseph, temptations and being strong in doing the right thing. 
   God blessed Joseph with a clear conscience all because he was faithful. Even in the midst of trial after trial we find God blessing Joseph. Jesus has made that possible for all people. What is my reason for wanting to follow after Jesus and live with God? Because I want to enjoy the short life I have here with a clear mind, strengthened by the love of God. 
   The challenges we face are accomplished with the wisdom and understanding of God, leaving you filled with joy and praise. Your past memories whether good or bad will always be with you. Let Jesus be the praise for the wonderful memories to come. 
   Thank You Father for Jesus. He is all I need. 😊 

2 Timothy chapter 4 verses 3 and 4.
For there is going to come a time when people won't listen to the truth, but will go around looking for teachers who will tell them just what they want to hear. They won't listen to what the Bible says but will blithely follow their own misguided ideas.  
1 Timothy chapter 4 verses 2-6.
These teachers will tell lies with straight faces and do it so often that their consciences won't even bother them. They will say it is wrong to be married and to eat meat, even though God gave these things to well-taught Christians to enjoy and be thankful for. For everything God made is good, and we may eat it gladly if we are thankful for it, and if we ask God to bless it, for it is made good by the Word of God and prayer.       

2 Samuel chapter 22 verse 27 say's; "To those who are pure, You show yourself as pure.   

Ephesians chapter 3 verses 14-17.
When I think of the wisdom and scope of His plan I fall down on my knees and pray to the Father of all the great family of God---some of them already in heaven and some down here on earth---that out of His glorious, unlimited resources He will give you the mighty inner strengthening of His Holy Spirit. And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts, living within you as you trust in Him.   

Colossians chapter 1 verses 13 and 14.
For He has rescued us out of the darkness and the gloom of Satan's kingdom and brought us into the kingdom of His dear Son, who bought our freedom with His blood and forgave us all our sins. 


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