The same old!
Where do you look for forgiveness and understanding? Jesus will show you God's love.
Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10.
It is God Himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago He planned that we should spend theses lives in helping others.
The innocence of our youth makes every experience new. We grow older so fast and there are good memories and sad ones. Death and injury are sad and sometimes confusing. They make us learn how vulnerable we can be and more aware of how cautious we should be.
Each day is filled with new experiences, places and people. When one wrong is committed then that person wronged will in turn do another wrong. Is it revenge? In most cases people don't even realize when they are committing a wrong. Our actions have consequences and our words can hurt.
Lets say you have been scolded for something. No one likes to be scolded, it hurts the pride and introduces unwanted feelings. Sometimes words get spoken that don't do anyone any good. And we stomp away upset leaving us with questions and deep thoughts. Ask yourself, are you with God right now? Have you put Him aside so that you can deal with the issue at hand?
In the heat of the moment things can be said and done that can cause regret and mistakes can get made which just add to the already upset situation. As a Christ follower, you may feel convicted and by thinking of God, your attitude changes making you feel better. People say things and do things that are silly, unforgiving and costly. And each one of those things can build taking us further and further away from peace and joy.
What is it like to be bitter all the time? What is it like to have an opinion about everything? What is it like to gossip and complain? No one likes to be taken advantage of and no one likes a smooth talker who tries to wiggle out of their mistakes. People do not forget uncomfortable times and that leaves resentment.
Facing up to our mistakes with honesty and truthfulness may lead to punishment and scolding but it does make us right with God and our own thoughts. Forgiveness may never happen but at least no one is left in the dark wondering. It takes a strong person to face up to their mistakes because it is so much easier to lie and cheat and cover up. The problem is your thoughts and loss of trust.
American Greed is a television show created out of those who have exploited and taken fore-granted others. In Mark chapter 5 we read about a man filled with hatred and anger. In verse 9 Jesus, asks the man what his name is and the demon within him replied, "Legion, for there are many of us here with this man." Jesus then cleared the mans life of the demons and told him to go and tell everyone about the wonderful things God had done for him.
Whatever your life is like, Jesus is there ready to clear your thoughts and set you on the right path of life with God. A place where your story will be of joy and happiness. A place where mistakes are quickly forgiven and your love for God seen in what Jesus has done for you.
Psalms chapter 119 verses 71 and 72 say; "The punishment You gave me was the best thing that could have happened to me, for it taught me to pay attention to Your laws. They are more valuable to me than millions in silver and gold!"
If God is part of your life than spend as much time as you can, with Him. If He is not and you would like to know Him than reach out with a prayer to Jesus. Ask for the clouded thoughts to be cleared and right words to be spoken. No longer alone, you face everything with God, thankful to Jesus for all He does for us.
Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for lifting the weights of our burdens and our place to walk freely with You. 😊
Psalms chapter 90 verses 10-17.
Seventy years are given us! And some even live to eighty. But even the best of these years are often emptiness and pain; soon they disappear, and we are gone. Who can realize the terrors of Your anger? Which of us can fear You as we should? Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should. O Jehovah, come and bless us! How long will You delay? Turn away Your anger from us. Satisfy us in our earliest youth with Your loving kindness, giving us constant joy to the end of our lives. Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. let us see Your miracles again; let our children see glorious things, the kind You used to do, and let the Lord our God favor us and give us success.
Psalms chapter 62 verse 5.
I stand silently before the Lord, waiting for Him to rescue me. For salvation comes from Him alone.
Psalms chapter 103 verses 8 and 9.
He is merciful and tender toward those who don't deserve it; He is slow to get angry and full of kindness and love. He never bears and grudge, nor remains angry forever.
Psalms chapter 116 verses 1and 2.
I love the Lord because He hears my prayers and answers them. Because He bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I breathe.
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