The Promised Land.

After all the up's and down's it is nice to be at peace with a smile. Thank You Jesus!

Deuteronomy chapter 31 verses 12 and 13. 
"Call them together," the Lord instructed, "---men, women, children, and foreigners living among you---to hear the laws of God and to learn His will, so that you will reverence the Lord your God and obey His laws. Do this so that your little children who have not known these laws will hear them and learn to revere the Lord your God as long as you live in the Promised Land."

You are the "Promised Land" that God spoke about. 
   To the Israelites, the "Promised Land" was the place in which they were heading. God promised to deliver from the tyranny and oppression of the Egyptians and lead them into a land flowing with milk and honey (Exodus chapter 3 verse 8). 
   Before God came into my life, I never knew how much of an influence He could have upon the choices I make and the places I put myself into. And it took a long time for me to really understand how important it is to start your day and end your day with reading the bible. It really does make you thankful to God for His love and blessing upon your life. 
   In Matthew chapter 4, Jesus, is led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, where He was to be tempted by Satan. He did not eat for forty days and forty nights and became extremely hungry. That is when Satan tempted Him to get food by changing some stones into bread. He said, "It will prove you are the son of God." Jesus told him, "No! For the Scriptures tell us that bread won't feed men's souls: obedience to every word of God is what we need." Satan continued with other temptations but Jesus did not give in. In verse 10 Jesus looks at Satan and says; "Get out of here, Satan. The Scriptures say, Worship only the Lord God. Obey only Him." Then Satan went away and the angels came and cared for Jesus. 
   In overcoming temptation and fighting off desires, I have used those very same words. "Get out of here, Satan." I would not have known them and the power they have unless I had come to know them and to trust in God who taught them to me. In Philippians chapter 3 the apostle Paul is talking about how he feels in the new life he has found with Jesus and that there is no other place he wants to be. 
   Our daily lives continue on, but now they involve God and striving to be all that Christ saved us for. God promises to save all who are seeking Him. In John chapter 14 Jesus says ask God for anything using My name and I will do it. He talks about His leaving the earth, but leaving us with the Comforter and that He will never leave us. Verse 17; "He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth."
   These words have been with people for years and years. Some people have taken those words and found life in the presence of God because of Christ. God's promise was to deliver the Israelites into the "Promised Land." That has never changed and today when we ask God for help, He is ready to deliver you into the "Promised Land." The place that you never thought could be real for you, but is. 
   In order for you to know what I am talking about, you will need to get to know God, who Jesus is and then let the joy of the Holy Spirit fill your life. Isaiah chapter 40 Talks about making a straight road for the Lord to walk upon by filling the valleys, leveling the hills, straightening the crooked paths and smoothing off the rough spots. Mark chapter 1 talks about John the Baptist, a prophet, who will live in the wilderness and proclaim that everyone must straighten out their lives to be ready for the Lord's arrival. 
   These words are hopeful but you must make the effort of reaching out to God for His help. It is a simple conversation but one initiated by you. In Jeremiah chapter 44 the people were told how God felt about their wandering and misbehaving ways. They were so used to worshiping their idols that they totally rejected the words of the prophet and trusted in the rough paths of life without God. 
   God never goes away, He waits patiently and He is there when you are ready to look His way. You are the "Promised Land" that He so desires to bless you with. It took 40 years of wandering in a barren wilderness before the Israelites were allowed into the "Promised Land" and even after getting there they still worshiped idols falling away from worshiping God for His blessings. 
   God's promises are real and He gladly gives all that He promises to those who seek Him and acknowledge Him for who He is. Once you are there. I mean once you have come to God and found Jesus then you will understand that there is no other place as amazing as life with God. 
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You John chapter 10 and Jesus who opens the gate into the "Promised Land" of forever life with you. 😊         

Psalms chapter 119 verses 96-105.
Nothing is perfect except Your words. Oh, how I love them. I think about them all day long. They make me wiser than my enemies, because they are my constant guide. Yes, wiser than my teachers, for I am ever thinking of Your rules. They make me even wiser than the aged. I have refused to walk the paths of evil for I will remain obedient to Your Word. No, I have not turned away from what You taught me; Your words are sweeter than honey. And since only Your rules can give me wisdom and understanding, no wonder I hate every false teaching. Your words are the flashlight to light the path ahead of me, and keep me from stumbling.     

Isaiah chapter 40 verse 29.
God gives power to the tired and worn and strength to the weak. 

Philippians chapter 3 verse 12.
Paul is talking saying; "I do not mean to say I am perfect. I have not yet learned all I should even yet, but I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ saved me for and wants me to be."

Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 17.
There is hope for your future, says the Lord. And Your children shall return to their own land. 

Isaiah chapter 41 verse 10.
Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed. I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with My victorious right hand. 


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