The Glory of God

Every moment given to us is precious. Let Jesus show you the wonderful glory of God in your life. 
Ephesians chapter 5 verses 8 and 9.
For though once your heart was full of darkness, now it is full of light from the Lord, and your behavior should show it! Because of this light within you, you should do only what is good and right and true. 

In Exodus chapters 33 and 34 we read about Moses' encounter with God and how when he came down from being in God's presence that his face glowed. And because of this radiance upon his face others were afraid to come near him, so he placed a veil over his face to conceal his glow. The glow of God's glory upon him. 
   God has made it possible for all people to experience His glory through His Son Jesus. We do not have to wear a veil to hide our true feelings of what Jesus has made possible for us to have. God knows that we are unable to be perfect people, who adhere to each and every thing He demands of us. That is why the simplest of things is to love God first and then love others as much as you love yourself. (Mark chapter 12 verses 29-31.)
   Is it not the best feeling ever when you feel the presence of God? You are giddy and thankful. You are tearful and filled with joy. You do not know if others would understand, but you know it is God. And it is only possible that you feel the way you do because of Jesus. 
   Jesus is God's glory that is given to you when your eyes are opened to see and understand. The Holy Spirit is with you always just as He was with Jesus. Are you going to question why God wants to bless you as He does? The whole key to life with God, is that, the gift of His Son, Jesus, is freely given. There are no strings attached, God wants your love and all He asks is that you believe in His Son. 
   And it is by believing that you find God's glory. It is that wonderful glow of happiness you feel when Jesus brings you into the presence of God. It is knowing something is different, it is the Light that you have heard so much about, but could not understand. It is that glorious feeling that you want to talk about. You so want to share it with others, but you are hesitant for the reasons of rejection. 
   So you sit on it for a while. You try so hard to walk with your joy and learn more about God and the gift of Jesus. The problem is others can see the change in you and you are experiencing things that can only be a result of God's blessings. Jesus has picked you up and brought you into His world. You are seeing things differently. It truly is better than anything you have experienced before. 
   You are still the same person, who goes to work, who eats food and has no boundaries holding you back from doing whatever you want. The same people are still there and the same temptations and desires are there, except there is a difference. There is this feeling of happiness. A place you do not want to let go of. You are drawn to Jesus and the peace you are feeling. 
   It kinda makes you sad that everyone is not having the same feelings as you are. The closest people to you may not understand how you are feeling but they are happy for you. They are happy that you are happy, yet they continue to live as they want to. You try to explain but they do not want to change. They continue to live as they like. 
   You see, patience and understanding are the gifts of love that Jesus gives to you. You are not to change others, but you are to love them as Jesus loves you. You have been blessed with an amazing gift. The gift of having life with God. You know that He is real by the things that have happened to you. So bask in what you have been given. Maybe your actions will affect those closest to you. That is why we pray, so that God knows that you are talking to Him. So that He knows how thankful you are to Jesus. So that He hears your gratitude for His grace upon your life. 
   God's glory is not sporadic. You see clearly now how the ways you lived your life were blocking you from seeing Jesus and trusting in God. He is with you always and always has been. He is there for everyone to find, yet they have a choice, just as you did. In Matthew chapter 13, Jesus explains it using the example of seeds. He explains it so that you will understand. It is all about letting your beliefs grow and strengthen you. 
   The other example of who you are becoming is illustrated in the planting of a seed. The seed is put into the ground but out comes something totally different and when it is watered and nourished it becomes the wonderful flower full of beauty and fragrance. 
   Once you had no thoughts of God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit but now you do and what you have found is an amazing peace. You have someone to talk to. Not just someone to unload your feelings onto, stirring up further anguish, but God who listens to your thoughts as you spill them out onto Him. The outcome is the guidance that you needed. God does not want you to struggle, but to be thankful to Him. He wants you to see Jesus and the life He lived. He wants you to be filled with His Holy Spirit. He wants you to be aware of His presence all the time. 
   He wants you to be the flourishing flower, thankful for the Light of day and the living water that nourishes you and strengthens you, so that you are seen, joyful in your life. 
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for forgiveness and how your love stands out as the glorious peace we show. 😊  

Romans chapter 15 verses 5 and 6.
May God who gives patience, steadiness, and encouragement help you live in complete harmony with each other---each with the attitude of Christ toward the other. And then all of us can praise the Lord together with one voice, giving glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.    

2 Corinthians chapter 3 verses 16 -18.
But whenever anyone turns to the Lord from his sins, then the veil is taken away. The Lord is the Spirit who gives them life and where He is there is freedom [from trying to be saved by keeping the laws of God]. But we Christians have no veil over our faces; we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him. 

Psalms chapter 121 verses 1-8.
Shall I look to the mountain god's for help? No! My help is from Jehovah who made the mountains! And the heavens too! He will never let me stumble or fall. For He is always watching, never sleeping. Jehovah Himself is caring for you! He is your defender. He protects you day and night. He keeps you from all evil and preserves your life. He keeps His eye upon you as you come and go, and always guards you.

Numbers chapter 22 verses 22-40. 
This is the story of Balaam, God had guided him to go to a place and Balaam was very eager with a confident attitude. And this attitude of Balaam's made God angry for He asked Balaam to do only what He directed him to do, not what he thought he should do. God put an angel in the path of his donkey and with drawn sword the donkey veered in fright. This happened 3 times and each time Balaam beat the donkey, for all he knew the donkey was being stubborn. Then God made the donkey speak and he asked Balaam why he was hurting him, for all he was doing was trying to save Balaam from the angel. Then God opened the eyes of Balaam to see the angel and he felt remorse for hurting the donkey and doing things as he thought were to be done. 
   Quite a story! How many times have we thought that what we were doing was right but found out that what we were doing was for our benefit and not in putting God first trusting in His direction?  


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