A sure thing!
The cross never changes. It is the symbol of Christ.
Matthew chapter 7 verse 24.
Jesus said to them; "All who listen to My instructions and follow them are wise, like a man who builds his house on solid rock."
Getting sick, having ailments and being restricted really sucks. Why can't things be as they were? When we are healthy and strong we go about doing things without putting much thought into what we are doing and what the consequences may be.
In our youth there was no concern. We did as we pleased. And the things that we did have become the stories of laughter and sadness. For example; Friday night madness that led into Saturday excursions and Sunday recovery.
For those of us who have grown older, being restricted by the pandemic is tough but we understand the need to be wise and cautious. Young people find it hard to be restricted for they are daring and looking for a good time, they are willing to take chances.
Curiosity and being inventive are necessary for healthy living. If we do not take a chance then we will not learn from our mistakes. Our parents and interactions with older experienced people try to teach us so we do not make the same mistakes and get injured or frustrated from failure. The internet has made it possible to have just about any instructions available so that we can be prepared. But that does not mean we will not make mistakes or wrong decisions.
Being creative forms a new idea and taking what is rusted and old and restoring it to new is part of living. Maybe you had an idea that you have never done before and you decide to try. Maybe you are successful on your first attempt or maybe you learn something new. The thing is you are not just sitting and letting your life go by without at least trying.
Whatever it is that plays with your thoughts can be settled in the presence of God. Try talking to Him. Test Him to see if He will help you. Challenge Him and yourself to see any changes that may happen. It's not foolish to challenge God. In fact it's healthy to do so. Have you looked up from whatever you are doing to notice the beauty of all that is around you? That is a challenge. Try changing things up a little. You never know what you may find.
Jesus asks us to trust in Him and follow His directions. They are not hard instructions to follow. They are living in faith. For example; take the thing that is gnawing at you right now and ask Jesus to help you with the right outcome. Be serious in you request. Expect an answer. Don't forget to challenge Him and remind Him of your request. But most of all if you see a difference and know that it could of only happened because of your request to Jesus, then thank Him.
Don't hold back your feelings. Tell Him what you are thinking for He is ready and willing to help you again, if you are willing and wanting His help. God is all powerful and almighty. He wants to do things for you because He wants your love. And it is by gaining your love that He can give you that solid ground to stand upon.
You will have no doubt as to where your help came from. You challenged Him and He came through for you. Now your joy wants to try other things and confirm His presence with you. Your cup is overflowing as you see Him not only in your requests but also in all other areas of your life. You feel good, so you have new spring in your step and renewed energy. Stuff that you never thought possible but they have happened and you cannot ignore where they came from. You are thankful and filled with the curiosity of a child who explores something new for the first time.
Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for the offer of life with You and that through Jesus, to know that You are the only solid place to stand. 😊
2 Corinthians chapter 5 verses 17 and 18.
When someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same any more. A new life has begun! All these new things are from God who brought us back to himself through what Christ Jesus did.
Isaiah chapter 40 verse 8.
The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the Word of our God shall stand forever.
The song "On Christ the solid Rock I stand"
"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness......."
He is our solid Rock upon which we can stand, He never changes, He is always there and will never push us away.
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