What's a Hero?

Jesus is there for You. 

2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 16.
The whole bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right. It is God's way of making us well prepared at every point, fully equipped to do good to everyone. 

What does a hero look like to you? Is it your dad or mom? Maybe it is the policeman, fireman or astronaut. Maybe you like the superhero's of the comic world or movies. 
   Maybe you are envious of a neighbor, coworker or friend. We all have dreams and hopes. For most of us we just go through life doing the best we can with what we have. Does that make you any different than the other guy? I don't think so! Everyone has a path of life that leads them. There are many choices and there are many missed opportunities.
   Stepping from our youth into adulthood takes us down paths that shape who we become and are recognized as. Did you graduate from high school? Did you go to college or university? Did your life get interrupted by children or health issues?
   We quickly learn that we cannot control every situation and are at the beck and call of needing money to purchase food and provide shelter. Moses in Exodus chapter 18 took advice from his father-in-law. He was overwhelmed with responsibilities and the advice he took was to divide up the burdens he had. Making them easier to handle by not dealing with so much. 
   In Luke chapter 1, Mary, is confronted by an angel who said to her; "Congratulations, favored lady! The Lord is with you!" Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think of what the angel could mean. She found out that she was going to have a baby. She was also told that, "every promise from God shall surely come true." 
   Life is not friendly and can cause us a lot of grief. By taking the "bull by the horns" you can lead yourself along the right paths. With guidance and faith, reach out and become the hero that overcame and defeated. 
   God is almighty. Think of the world and all that is here. If He can create that and us too then why would you not want to walk beside Him, seeking His help with each day and His guidance with every situation?  It takes a special person to let go of control and trust in God to be there as their shield.
   Letting go makes you think that you will become vulnerable and open to attack. But that is not so with God. The real hero is those who start their day with God, asking God to be with them, thankful for His love, for Jesus and His protection, wisdom, knowledge and understanding through out the day. 
   Happy is the person, who has the right words that help others. Happy is the person who is thankful for God's amazing work and the confidence of taking on any and all challenges. Happy is the person who feels loved and cared for. 
   What is a hero? It is the person who loves Jesus and walks with God. 
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for Your love and the opportunity to walk with You everywhere, all the time and forever. 😊  

Psalms chapter 146 verses 14-16.
The Lord lifts the fallen and those bent beneath their loads. The eyes of all mankind look up to You for help; You give them their food as they need it. You constantly satisfy the hunger and the thirst of every living thing.  
Psalms chapter 119 verses 89-91.
Forever, O Lord, Your Word stands firm in heaven. Your faithfulness extends to every generation, like the earth You created; it endures by Your decree, for everything serves Your plans. 

Exodus chapter 18 verses 17 to 19.
"It's not right!" his father-in-law exclaimed. You're going to wear yourself out---and if you do, what will happen to the people? Moses, this job is too heavy a burden for you to try to handle all by yourself. Now listen, and let me give you a word of advice, and God will bless you. 


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