Our shape
There are so many colors and patterns to our lives, Thank God that we can turn those patterns into one solid color. Make Jesus your one solid focus.
Romans chapter 8 verse 30.
And having chosen us, He called us to come to Him; and when we came, He declared us "not guilty," filled us with Christ's goodness, gave us right standing with Himself, and promised us His glory.
The way we live shows the type of person we are. If you are reckless, then you will be treated as someone who is reckless. If you live a good clean life then you will not likely encounter too many problems along the way.
"You are what you eat" is a phrase that can apply to how we live. For example if we were to eat chips and buttered popcorn everyday then we would most likely be carrying some unwanted pounds. Diet and exercise are very important to healthy living. Addictions and greed can also be seen in the way we act.
So what is your lifestyle like? Are you always on guard protecting what you have? Are you someone who does not like change, and are ready to fight, when change comes along? What if someone came along and told you that you do not have to always be on guard or that the addiction that has a hold of you can be set aside?
God knows our issues and the hidden thoughts that we have. He knows that in order for us to know Him we are going to have to be free from the worries and anxieties of daily living. If our thoughts are constantly being challenged then what room is left for God?
Jesus talked to God about people. He prayed for them and not for material stuff. He was afraid for a moment when He was facing death, but He knew that His place, with God, was way better than any momentary thought of worry. It was because of what Jesus did that you and I can be free from the worries and anxieties of life.
If your shape is that of this world than it will be seen in how you act and react. But if your mind is clear and focused on how Jesus lived His life, than God will work through you to help you and others. In Isaiah chapter 43, God, speaking through Isaiah, tells the people of Israel of the future to come and how He will be with them. Even with the miracles He will do, they are nothing compared to what He is about to do. He say's, "I am going to do a brand new thing. See, I have already begun! Don't you see it?
With all that life can shape us into it is easy to miss God and to brush off the miracles He does as coincidence. You don't know what it will be that will make you become aware of God, yet when it does happen, all your questions will suddenly have clear answers. God's miracle is Jesus and when you come to God, He becomes rich because we who are Christ's have now been given to Him. (Ephesians chapter 1 verse 18.)
The shape of who we are is not what we try so hard to make it be. Our shape comes from Jesus, and trusting in God to protect us and provide for us. It is so hard to not let the trials and troubles of life get to us. But God's promise is to care for you as His very own. So when the worries come along, when trials start to pile up, when troubles seem overwhelming, be strong and seek God through Jesus.
Talk to Him, read the bible, walk with Him and seek His help. God cares for you and will not let you walk alone. You will be amazed if you take the steps through your troubles and experiences with Him. Don't give in, but as you face your troubles keep your focus and trust on God. Failure will happen, but He does not abandon you. Think of Jesus and how everyday He talked with God about everything.
Your troubles are real, and God knows that you have them. You are a person who deserves love in life and a life that is enjoyable. You are about to face a challenge, and you do not know the outcome. You have faced attitudes before and failure, your guard is up. You want to succeed and be the best you can be, not just for yourself but for others too. God takes your worry away! How? By letting you know that life with Him is way better than life without Him.
Yes, you care about the outcomes and how others feel. That is God's focus for you! He wants you to be at peace with all that you are, content and happy. Thankful to Him. The bonus, is everlasting life. Something to look forward to, an extra topping to the awesome life you are having with Him.
Your shape? What is it?
Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for family and how much You care.😊
2 Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 14-18.
Warn those who are lazy; comfort those who are frightened; take tender care of those who are weak; and be patient with everyone. See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to everyone else. Always be joyful. Always keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
Isaiah chapter 64 verses 8 and 9.
And yet, O Lord, You are our Father, We are the clay You are the Potter. We are all formed by Your hand. Oh, be not so angry with us, Lord, nor forever remember our sins. Oh, look and see that we are all Your people.
Psalms chapter 119 verse 173-175.
Stand ready to help me because I have chosen to follow Your will. Oh Lord, I have longed for Your salvation, and Your law is my delight. If You will let me live, I will praise You; let Your laws assist me.
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