Seeing God

What do you see? Thank you Jesus!

Job chapter 38 verse 21.
But of course you know all this! For you were born before it was all created, and you are so very experienced!

We are no different than anyone else! Everyone breaths, everyone eats. We all have feelings and we all age and die. Yet, everyone of us is just a little different than the other. We may not all look the same, we may not all act the same. Some people are able to handle stress better than others. Some people let it build up inside them. 
   So what makes a life with Jesus any different than life without Him? The world does not change. Our concerns are no different. We are told how we should act and behave. We all want peace and when we do get it we soak it up quickly, leaving us looking for more. 
   Is it the pandemic? Is the rules? Is it social frustration? What is it that sits in the back of your thoughts and eats at you? Everything can get to us, but it is only what you allow to get through that consumes us. So, you do have self control. You are able to hold your tongue, you are able to think for a moment before you speak. 
   But still that does not stop your thoughts from exhausting you. Why can't there be one answer that clears the mind and leaves us to enjoy what we have, forever content and happy? That would be nice but that is a fairy tale dream. Not real!
   The truth is we are alive and breathing in a world that has an end. It is common knowledge that life is short. That we need to have a job and make money in order to survive. That we are attracted to others and that makes us vulnerable to getting along. We learn to care and love. We learn to be hurt and confused. We learn about the loss of not being able to hold onto something dear to us. 
   Our thoughts are based on our surroundings. We want so bad to enjoy what little time we have. And we all find it by whatever means we can. So enjoy a drink, enjoy the sun, enjoy a nice dinner and friends around a fire. Because at some point or another there will be attitude and there will be frustration. A vicious circle that we guard against. 
   Life and it's coming and going has been around long before we got here. We have our own personalities and our circumstances are what we make them to be. It is the things that we do that makes a difference on who we are. If you are to ignore the bad things in life then you find it easy to overlook them, when they happen. But if you are to listen to the small voice telling you that what just happened was wrong and you long to correct your actions, then you are on the right path of walking with Jesus. 
    It is through our love for God and His Son, Jesus, that we want to lead good lives that are pleasing to Him. We are going to make mistakes and when they do happen, if you turn your eyes upon Jesus and look to God for direction and forgiveness then you have found your place of peace. 2 Timothy chapter 1 verses 14 says; "Guard well the splendid, God given ability you received as a gift from the Holy Spirit who lives within you."
   By knowing and working hard to hold close to our faith and values of our beliefs then we are guarding the salvation of God's plan for us. When your thoughts are focused on the "what if's" then you are working hard to control an outcome. God wants you to bring your thoughts to Him and let Him give you the joy of His wisdom. 
   You don't have to wait for bad times, you can talk to Jesus at anytime about anything. Tell Him how wonderful a sleep you had, tell Him how thankful you are that He is with you. Tell Him about the goodness of helping others. Tell Him....Talk to Him....Live with Him always. 
   In Deuteronomy chapter 32 verses 1-5, Moses speaks about the joy He is feeling. "Listen, O heavens and earth! Listen to what I say! My words shall fall upon you like the gentle rain and dew, like rain upon the tender grass, like showers upon the hillside. I will proclaim the greatness of the Lord. He is the Rock. His work is perfect. Everything He does is just and fair. He is faithful, without sin."
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for the joy that lives in us forever. Seeing You is the best thing that could ever happen to life. 😊   
Romans chapter 1 verses 20-23.
Since earliest times men have seen the earth and sky and all God made, and have known of His existence and great eternal power. So they will have no excuse for saying there is no God. Yes they knew all about Him all right, but they would not admit it or worship Him or even thank Him for all His daily care. And after awhile they began to think up silly ideas of what God was like and what He wanted them to do. The result was their foolish minds became dark and confused. Claiming themselves to be wise without God, they became utter fools instead. And then, instead of worshipping the glorious , ever-living God, they took wood and stone and made idols for themselves carving them to look like mere birds and animals and snakes and puny men. 

Matthew chapter 6 verses 32-34.
But your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and He will give them to you if you give Him first place in your life and live as He wants you to. So do not be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time. 

Philippians chapter 1 verses 28 and 29. 
To tell the Good News fearlessly,  no matter what your enemies may do. They will see this as a sign of their downfall, but for you it will be a clear sign from God that He is with you, and that He has given you eternal life with Him. For to you has been given the privilege not only of trusting in Him but also for suffering for Him.  

James chapter 1 verses 2 and 3.
Is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow and do not try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete.


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