
You may not know where you are going but you can be assured that Jesus is with you!

Ephesians chapter 4 verses 23 and 24. 
Now your attitudes and thoughts must all be constantly changing for the better. Yes, you must be a new and different person, holy and good. Clothe yourself with this new nature. 

Who are you?
   What defines who you are? Every person we know has their own story and their stories are intermixed with others creating what is called "everyday living." You wake up, you brush off the nights dust and get dressed, starting another day in your life's circle. 
   Maybe you interact with a lot of people or maybe only a few. Policemen and hospital staff deal with the aches and pains of hurt, there is also healing and joy. Maybe you are a store owner dealing with the public, maybe you work in a factory or in an office environment. Maybe you work outside in construction or maintaining the living standards others need.  
   No matter who we are we have to deal with people, their attitudes and emotions caused by their individual story. Every interaction should be productive and supportive, but it is hard to overlook our own judgements or the way others are judging us. 
   How many times have you put your foot in your mouth when talking about someone? Maybe they overhear your conversation, maybe they hear it from others or they just sense your feelings and avoid you all together. Getting along with everyone is not easy. There are just to many situations that can cause harsh words to be spoken or wrongful thoughts to lead us astray. 
   Being curious about the stories of others helps to create productive conversations. Being attracted to someone either by their looks or by their charisma opens the doors for conversation. Our own baggage is filled with the troubles we carry around and keep tucked away. For some people that load is heavy and unorganized. For others it can be a light load that is looked at often and kept neatly stored. 
   Money has nothing to do with who we are. Job positions have nothing to do with who we are. Even confidence in ourselves has nothing to do with who we are. We are however, people who awake each day and have to make the best of what we have. If you let your pile of luggage get heavy and overwhelming than you will be grumpy and unhealthy. 
   Our worries and troubles are nothing new. They have been experienced before by someone and there are solutions available for every imaginable thought. But that does not help us in our immediate life issues. Our problems are real and can be exhausting. 
   Jesus is the pathway of peace that God has made possible for all people to walk upon. We may be defined by our bills, our relationships, our jobs and our flashy way of living, but are you happy? The one thing we learn quickly is that worries and troubles do not go away. There will always be something to burden us. So how do you balance forever happiness with a mind that never lets up? 
   The answer lies in God and Jesus. You are not to do it alone. You can try your best to find the right partner, but there still lies your issues and theirs. God is found everywhere in all things, so why not talk to Him? Try unloading all your thoughts unto Him! He is there waiting to hear from you. He wants you to seek Him out, He wants you to trust in Him!
   What have you to loose except a weight lifted from your shoulder. It is trust beyond! For example someone tells you something and you believe in what they are saying. You trust they will do what they have said, so you follow along and find out that they are someone true to their word. God is always true to His word, He never fails you or leaves you alone. 
   People are always making mistakes and then trying to cover them up and that can cause us to loose faith in their promises. You become uncomfortable and fall back to only trusting yourself. When you trust in God and walk with Jesus, you find His guidance and the truth of His word to protect you and provide for you. People do make mistakes but to find someone who believes and trusts God as you do allows for forgiveness. They like yourself walk in the light of Jesus and know what it means to be thankful. Thankful that they are no longer alone, but are loved. And you are happy. 
   Once you were an individual making your own decisions and dealing with the outcome as it came. Now you walk with Jesus and find that by trusting God in all you do and everywhere you go, there is peace in your life. Mistakes still get made, you still deal with people and their individualities, but you have Jesus right there with you, bringing the wonderful song of praise to your heart. 
   There is no doubt in your mind that you have found Jesus and that God is with you always. 
Thank You Father for Jesus. You have taken away the doubts and fears. You have replaced them with belonging.

Psalm chapter 95 verse 1 and 2. 
Oh, come let us sing to the Lord! Give a joyous shout in honor of the Rock of our salvation! Come before Him with thankful hearts. Let us sing Him psalms of praise.

Luke chapter 12 verse 30.
All mankind scratches for it's daily bread, but your heavenly Father knows your needs. He will always give you all you need from day to day if you will make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.

Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20.
Glory be to God who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of ---- infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes.          


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