The Little Things.

How small we are to the world, yet what we do matters. God has given us Jesus and He has given us life with Him. The biggest gift we could ever receive. 

 Daniel chapter 2 verses 18-21.
They asked the God of heaven to show them His mercy by telling them the secret, so they would not die with the others. And that night in a vision God told Daniel what the King had dreamed. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven, saying, "Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for He alone has all wisdom and all power. World events are under His control." 

Some days the little things do not bother me and then other days when I'm feeling a little sluggish, the things that need to be done, seem like such huge burdens. 
   For example yesterday, being early spring, I could not help but notice the lawn was needing to be cut. I just did not feel like doing it but knew the longer I put it off the tougher it would be to cut. The riding lawnmower still needed the mower deck put back on it, so looking at the situation I decided to use the push lawnmower. The long grass was over the weeping bed, it did not look like a big job but I was not feeling much like doing it. Oh well, it needed to be done. And while I was doing it I kept thinking that this was going to be the first of many never ending chores to come. 
   It made me think of how many other things have to be maintained otherwise they would rot or become out of control. For example shaving, I started that one so many years ago and still to this day need to maintain it. Cleaning is another one, or watching the food we eat. These are the little things that need to be done and if they are not taken care of they will cause us grief. 
   Do you cook for others? Have you ever noticed how precious your time is? Maybe you feel like taking a day off, but it eats at you knowing that if you do not do things then the chores are going to pile up. What if you do not brush your teeth, or comb your hair? What if you let the laundry go or left the beds unmade? What if you did not feed the fur babies or clean the litter box? Most people like to be organized and others could just ignore what needs to be done. 
   So how do you see your life? Is it important to live a clean healthy life, responsible in maintaining what you have? Prepared for unannounced guests and pleased that your hard earned stuff is well taken care of? Time is not something that is going to wait for you. As in the book of Ecclesiastics there is a time for everything and everything has it's time. 
   It is in those times of feeling sluggish that you should push through. Maybe you do a little bit and that makes you feel better knowing that you just did not sit there and ignore what had to be done. Anger and frustration can build if things are left unattended. Our health can be affected and our ability to have joy can seem so far away. 
   We learn quickly in our youth that work is part of daily living. It is nice to have others take care of you but they can become frustrated by the added chores and words may get spoken that do not do anyone any good. The older we get the more stuff we have and if we do not take care of what we get then it will deteriorate and become useless. 
   In this world we need to interact with others and if we do not have good work ethics and are not an enjoyable person to be around then we will find it hard to get along without someone commenting. You can be lucky if you find someone who likes to care for you and let you live as you please, but that too, will at times, be trying.  
   Talking to God helps you see the beauty in all things and it is in our accomplishments that we give Him the praise and thanksgiving. If you start your day by saying 'good morning' to God our Father and thanking Him for Jesus and your salvation. If you ask the Holy Spirit to guide you through your day and protect you from temptations and desires then you will have a life of happiness. For it is in your happiness that you are inspired. 
   You may not always like doing the little things but you do like the outcome of having them done. When feeling sluggish try talking to Jesus or singing a song of praise, you may feel like doing a bit more and realize how much you have done and how grateful you are that you continued forward.
   Others will notice and be thankful to you. Maybe your energy will encourage them. Maybe you will notice the drink they make for you and the conversation you have on the sunny deck overlooking the well manicured lawn and gardens. Maybe the food you prepare will be the best tasting and you notice the help you are getting with the dishes. 
   It is in our joy that we see the work of God's hand upon our lives. For it is though what we do that others take notice. And just maybe they will want to know more about the joy you feel and that is your opportunity to share Jesus. God blesses you with the right words and in return you bless others. 
   The little things are not so bad if you do not let them become big unattended messes. You are alive and feeling good. You are so thankful to God for Jesus and your ability to see His world.
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for the energy and the happiness that comes from life with You. 😊   

Isaiah chapter 41 verse 13. 
"I am holding you by your right hand---I, the Lord your God---and I say to you, Do not be afraid; I am here to help you." 

Hebrews chapter 6 verses 11 and 12.
And we are anxious that you keep right on loving others as long as life lasts, so that you will get your full reward. Then, knowing what lies ahead for you, you won't become bored with being a Christian, nor become spiritually dull and indifferent, but you will be anxious to follow the example of those who receive all that God has promised them because of their strong faith and patience.

James chapter 1 verses 17 and 18.
But whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God, the Creator of all light, and He shines forever without change or shadow. And it was a happy day for Him when He gave us our new lives, through the truth of His Word, and we became, as it were, the first children in His new family. 

1 Corinthians chapter 3 verse 7.
The person who does the planting or watering is not very important, but God is important because He is the one who makes things grow.


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