The best laid plans
The best laid plan is one that was perfected many years before you thought of it. So you try, you learn and you get it right. God wants you to know Jesus and His plan for you.
Proverbs chapter 19 verse 21.
Man purposes, but God disposes.
I read a line from the daily bread devotional this morning that I thought was bang on. "God, I believe that You are in control of everything. Help me to live wisely in this world, committing all my plans to You."
Fears and anxieties take up a huge part of our lives. If you think that you are watching too much TV or spending too much time in, cyber world, than think again. You are no where close to the amount of time we spend on worrying.
We all have hopes and dreams. Some people are better at being more assertive than others. All it takes is a plan. If you have a plan to follow than you have focus. And it is that focus and will power to succeed that gives us the energy and confidence to move each day.
There is nothing wrong with hard work. It is when our focus is derailed that we become disoriented. To some people that can mean failure, leaving them to deal with the emotional thoughts of trying again. To others it may only be a temporary set back. There is an old saying; "If you fall off the horse, get right back up on it." Or "If at first you do not succeed, try, try again."
It is great to be encouraged, but encouragement has to be followed with a positive outcome. When we are young we learn quickly the meaning of provision. It would be nice to always be provided for but that is dreaming and can lead to laziness, a life of not caring, or always wanting everything to be your way with no room to learn and grow.
Most people get up each day and go to work somewhere. That is the only way they can make an income. And that income allows them to provide life sustaining food and shelter. There are way to many reasons why our best laid plans may not always work out the way we want but that does not mean we have to give up and sink away into darkness.
Addictions will always affect our ability to give our very best. It is what we feel good about that is going to give us the energy to get up and go. Everything starts with that energy. Your thoughts of planning, and your taking chances, boost your confidence to dream of an outcome. The more you experiment with your thoughts the more you learn from your mistakes. It is only through trying and failing that we can see the wrong turns we took and avoid doing them again.
No likes to be hurt, yet it happens. We are not perfect, and we do speak words that are uncalled for. We do get frustrated at ourselves and others. We are judgmental and curious. Yet at the same time we can be filled with love and compassion. One moment we are happy and then the next, we could be poked and prodded the wrong way. Interruptions to our peace are never accepted with grace.
So it all comes down to our racing thoughts and the emotional challenges we face. How are we ever expected to find peace in a world that demands so much from us? God has always wanted you to look towards Him for guidance, trusting in Him for provision. But that is a big gamble or so you think. Why would you trust in something that you do not believe in?
The only way we have ever moved forward is by taking a chance. We may see the road ahead, we may have an idea of the coarse we are taking and so we move forward adapting as we go. We are influenced by others, our health, money and temptations. It is easy to get sidetracked from our original goals. So we wander through life wanting things to happen a certain way but never achieving what we started out to do. Disappointment can be the biggest set back. It throws us off our game and can have long lasting affects.
If you are fed up and know that you need change. All you have done up to now has failed to meet your expectations. Some days were good and you thought you had a good hold on where you were headed and how you were going to get there, when suddenly something happened that changed everything. What is it that is going to give you the guidance you need? Is it a financial investment, could it be a relationship or a change to your surroundings? What is it you are seeking so bad but cannot find?
That same question has been with all humans from the moment they found repeated disappointments. The answer is not in something we come up with, but in someone whom we are willing to trust and give our very lives over to. God has given us the best laid plan that was ever conceived. He is Jesus! Who has made it possible for you to no longer wander from one scenario to another watching closely each step you take, worrying about what may come next and most of all being at peace with everything.
The plan is found in the bible and is designed to lift you up and place your feet firmly in the family of God. It is based on your love for God and the love you feel for others. It is a simple plan filled with everlasting contentment and joy. There will be temptations, and your desires still try to lead you astray. You will have worry and anxieties but the difference now is, you belong to the family of God. He is your rock in times of troubles. He is your refuge in those times of challenges. He is your heavenly Father whom you look to for guidance and trust in His leading you along the right paths.
You tried to make the right decisions before. You have made plans and tried so hard to hold onto them, but you always end up being the only one involved with whatever the outcomes are. With God, you are trusting in Jesus, His plan to bring you into life with Him. Where He is guiding you and caring for you. He is the start to your day, He is your path of thankfulness throughout your day and your restful refreshment through the night.
It is awesome to think that God's plan is made for you!
Thank You Father for Jesus. My plans have left me empty and wondering. Your plan for us gives us the everlasting home where we no longer wander astray. 😊
1 Timothy chapter 2 verses 4 and 5.
God longs for all to be saved and to understand this truth: That God is on one side and all the people on the other side, and Christ Jesus, Himself man, is between them to bring them together, by giving His life for all mankind.
Psalms chapter 49 verse 5.
There is no need to fear when times of trouble come, even though surrounded by enemies.
2 Timothy chapter 1 verses 9 and 10.
It was He who saved us and chose us for His Holy work, not because we deserved it but because that was His plan long before the world began---to show His love and kindness to us through Christ. And now He has made of this plain to us by the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ, who broke the power of death and showed us the way of everlasting life through trusting Him.
Ephesians chapter 2 verse 13.
But now you belong to Christ Jesus, and though you once were far away from God, now you have been brought very near to Him because of what Jesus Christ has done for you with His blood.
Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verses 12-14.
So I conclude that, first, there is nothing better for a man than to be happy and enjoy himself as long as he can; and second, that he should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of his labors, for these are gifts from God. And I know this, that whatever God does is final---nothing can be added or taken from it; God's purpose in this is that man should fear the all-powerful God.
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