Jesus now told this story

Another day is starting, do you see the light or the work ahead of you? Jesus can show you the day God has made.  

Luke chapter 16 verse 16.
Until John the Baptist began to preach, the laws of Moses and the messages of the prophets were your guides. But John introduced the Good News that the Kingdom of God would come soon. 

What is your story? Is it one you like to tell or is it something you prefer to keep to yourself? Is it made up of many experiences or is it one incident that changed everything? 

In Luke chapter 16 there are 2 stories that Jesus refers to. One is the story of who we trust in and the other is the story of division of what we have and how we use what we are given. 
   The first story represents us and what it is like when we search for answers to our troubles. If we think long and hard enough, then we will find the way out. We may have to be shrewd and we may have to twist our own values in order to achieve what is needed, but at what cost? Is it good to cheat in order save yourself? 
   I used to never put any thought into the way I acted. Sometimes I would twist the story a little in order to make myself look better, sometimes I would sneak around doing things that I knew were wrong but no one knew except me so what did it matter? I was so wrong. 
   The troubles I had were a result of the way I acted and who I trusted in. I was trusting in survival rather than God. If you do not know God than how can you know what He can do for you? When someone calls you their friend then you can trust that they mean what they say. 
   You enjoy a friend's company and you do not mind giving a helping hand when needed. You don't take advantage of a friend but respect who they are. You don't buy their friendship, you freely give a listening ear, or a helpful word and they do the same for you. 
   I could not see God or touch Jesus but His words told me to trust in Him. It went against all that I accepted as reality, yet what could it hurt to see if God was real? I remember the day and the moment when fear gripped me. When I felt there was no other place to turn. So I asked God for His help.
   Emotionally I was drained, my addictions never allowed me to think clearly and my foe, was facing the troubles of my life. He changed my life forever. I put down the addictions, I took the corners, with Him. It was not easy and I feared so much, yet I had a strength, stronger than anything I had ever experienced. 
   With lots of apprehension, with ton's of struggle, and with many many times of wanting to give in, I persevered. I did what I never thought possible. I spoke to God and He showed me what it means to trust in Him. No more short term fixes, that end up only failing, I was only fooling myself and others. Jesus is the promise of God and His story is meant to show us the direction we need. 
   The other story has to do with the size of the gap between those who believe in God and those who do not know who He is. Some people will argue and get angry over talking about God. Some are unsure if He is real or not and some have just never heard about Him at all. 
   The bible talks about God and how He wants us to come and know who He is and how He will take care of us, for it says He is the Creator of all you see and experience. It even says that He is our Creator and that it is He who forms us and gives us life. And from the moment we enter into the world, He already knows the paths that we will take. 
   Some wander far away from Him and others not too far. but there is a gap and it becomes hard to see the other side. God showed Moses through one amazing miracle after another. A burning bush that does not burn up and talks. A walking stick that can preform miracles, a promise of salvation and a sea that splits in two with dry ground to walk upon. And that is only the beginning of God's love for His children. 
   Jesus has made it possible for all people no matter who you are or what your life is about, to come and know God as the loving Father, that He is. He is there and He is available for anyone who seeks Him out. If you do not look than you will not find. And if you do not find than you will not know what His plan for you is. 
   I thought my life was normal. To have a job, work hard, save money, be responsible and keep a low profile and not cause too much trouble. But I was not able to avoid making mistakes and I had a hard time dealing with emotions and making sense of where this was all headed. I found the answers in Jesus. On that day when I first trusted God! It was like the gap that had separated us was no longer there.
   Jesus does tell a good story and His purpose is so that you will have your own story to tell. A story that gives praise and honor to God.  
   Thank You Father for Jesus and reducing the gap between us to a small crack, that is easily stepped over and walked away from. 😊

Verses of Luke chapter 16.

Verses 8-10.
The rich man had to admire the rascal for being so shrewd. And it is true that the citizens of this world are more clever (in dishonesty) than the godly are. Jesus said to them; "But shall I tell you to act this way, to buy friendship through cheating? Will this ensure your entry into an everlasting home in heaven? No! For unless you are honest in small matters, you won't be in large ones. If you cheat even a little , you won't be honest with greater responsibilities." 

Verse 22.
Finally the beggar dies and was carried by the angels to be with Abraham in the place of the righteous dead. 

Verse 26.
And besides, there is a great chasm separating us, and anyone wanting to come to you from here is stopped at it's edge; and no one over there can cross to us.

Verses 29 to 31.
But Abraham said, "The Scriptures have warned them again and again. Your brothers can read them any time they want to." 
The rich man replied, "No, Father Abraham, they won't bother to read them. But if someone is sent to them from the dead, then they will turn from their sins.
But Abraham said, "If they won't listen to Moses and the prophets, they won't listen even though someone rises from the dead." 



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