Eyes that see and ears that hear.
Be happy in the Lord!
Matthew chapter 13 verses 14-16.
Jesus told them, "This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah: They hear, but don't understand; they look, but don't see! For their hearts are fat and heavy, and their ears are dull, and they have closed their eyes to sleep, so they won't see and hear and understand and turn to God again, and let Me heal them. But blessed are your eyes for they see; and your ears, for they hear."
It does not matter who you are. Christian or not, we all get distracted from God by the circumstances of life. The bible tells stories of people who saw the acts of God and yet they were easily distracted. They would hear someone say something and they would believe it. They would follow the crowds because it was what they saw everyone else doing.
Little children hold close to their parents because it is what they know and feel safe around. Parents watch over their children because they know the dangers of wandering away. Parents are to teach their children about the ways of surviving in the world, so that when they get older they are prepared to make right decisions and deal with disappointment.
God is your heavenly Father and He has watched His children go astray. It is by faith that we believe God is with us. When you feel alone, it is good to know that your heavenly Father is always with you, just as He is with all people. Instead of being someone who is in the background of God's amazing world, why not be someone who see's the beauty of what God has blessed us with. The stories of the bible tell us of God's miracles, where people actually saw and experienced the power of God, yet here we are today, in a world that doubts who God is.
Jesus is God's Son and yet people nailed Him to a cross because they could not believe in what He was saying, even though they could see God's power at work through Him. He tried to tell them but they could not accept what He was saying. To those who do believe; He has healed and it is seen and heard in their joy.
God's wonderful plan is Jesus. Our minds may get distracted by what we see and what we hear but because of Jesus we can have a relationship with God. And know that in our times of being distracted we have a place to turn our heads and look for the guidance that we need. You may be going through life without knowing God or who Jesus is. You may think that you are the only one who is going to make you happy or not. But would it not be nice to lift all that pressure off your shoulders and let Jesus guide you with God's wonderful love for His children?
You reflect how you feel! Are you able to live with all the stuff that our lives bring? The list of things that can affect how we feel is never ending. Just as one circumstance seems to get a little better then along comes another issue to deal with. It could be our health or the words spoken in relationships. Death is not easy to understand, let alone live with. Maybe the expectations others put on us or the expectations we put upon ourselves.
Everything wants us to get along with it, yet it is not easy. We can only handle so much at one time. It is good to take time to rest and relax your mind from all the stuff around you. Do what makes you happy, just remember the pressures do not go away. God wants you to see Him and trust in Him. It is through our love for Jesus that God is happy.
God's plan is for you! You will see the changes to your life and others will respond to the changes that have happened to you. And you will smile! The stuff the world brings onto us will not go away. The difference is that you want to believe in the promises of God. You have watched His miracles happen to you. You may not totally understand why God cares for you as He does, but you cannot help seeing His touch upon your life. You called out to Him and He answered.
Troubles may be all around us. Worries immerse themselves into our every waking moment. Our joy is in our families, in the children and in our laughter. The whole thing about God is that He wants us to be with Him in eternal life. So He sent Jesus to show us the way and has given us His Holy Spirit to fill us with the happiness of knowing we are in life with Him.
Habakkuk put it best in chapter 3 verse 18; "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will be happy in the God of my salvation."
Romans chapter 1 verse 17 says, This Good News tells us that God makes us ready for heaven---makes us right in God's sight---when we put our faith and trust in Christ to save us. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scripture says it, "The man who finds life will find it through trusting in God."
And Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 tells us that we can never please God without faith, without depending on Him. Anyone who wants to come to God must believe that there is a God and that He rewards those who sincerely look for Him.
We cannot see His touch upon our lives unless we believe that what has happened to us is from Him. We cannot hear the voice guiding us to be kind, to say a right word or to take on a challenge, with the confidence of knowing God is with us, unless we believe He is there. It is in our joy of praising God that our heavenly Father is thankful. It is in our thankfulness for Jesus and life with God that we reflect the joy our hearts are feeling.
Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for the thought to look and seek You out. Thank you for the words of reassurance we hear that confirm you are with us. 😊
Ephesians chapter 1 verses 13 and 14.
And because of what Christ did, all others too, who heard the Good News about how to be saved, and trusted Christ, were marked as belonging to Christ by the Holy Spirit, who long ago had been promised to all of us Christians. His presence within us is God's guarantee that He really will give us all that He promised; and that the Spirits seal upon us means that God has already purchased us and that He guarantees to bring us to Himself. This is just one more reason for us to praise our glorious God.
Exodus chapter 20 verse 18.
All the people saw the lightening and the smoke billowing from the mountain, and heard the thunder and the long frightening trumpet blast; and they stood at a distance, shaking with fear.
Exodus chapter 40 verses 36 and 37.
Whenever the cloud lifted and moved, the people of Israel journeyed onward, following it. But if the cloud stayed, they stayed until it moved. The cloud rested upon the Tabernacle during the daytime, and at night there was fire in the cloud so that all the people of Israel could see it.
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