Emotional Rollercoaster
It is hard to get through a day without wondering what is next. Thank Jesus for God's love.
Proverbs chapter 4 verses 23-27.
Above all else, guard your affections. For they influence everything else in your life. Spurn the careless kiss of a prostitute. Stay far from her. Look straight ahead; do not turn your head to look. Watch your step. Stick to the path and be safe. Do not sidetrack; pull back your foot from danger.
Guarding your affections is not an easy task. It means you have to be aware of your surroundings all the time. You have to be aware of how you speak, how you treat others and most of all what your hidden thoughts are thinking. Are you prepared to do this in order to have a better life?
God tells us that we are not alone on this journey. He tells us that Jesus is with us and that His Holy Spirit is here to warn us of danger and make us aware of good situations as well as the bad. Emotions can control everything from fear and anxieties to love and happiness. One minute you are feeling good enjoying yourself and the next you are angry feeling hate. One minute you are talking to your loved one and the next you have looked at a person with wrong intent. You may have even kissed someone you should not have or worse yet engaged in lustful acts. Now you are filled with guilt and shame. It only take a few minutes to do something we may regret doing.
Letting your guard down can lead to giving in to the bling of the world. You used to love the high times, the new places, the new faces, the rock and roll, the curiosity of what is next with no thought or concern for yourself or others. How many times have you been let down? How many times have you felt shame? Do you remember the first time you did something that was hidden? Do you remember taking something you should not have? Or blaming something you did on someone else or not owning up to something you clearly did and thinking whew I just got away with that?
Those are only a few examples of what we need to be aware of and there is a never ending list of lies and deceits that can come at us at any given time. What is it that you have done? Is it a small lie or twist of the truth or something larger that you fight with always? We are human and we do twist things around to make the story sound good or to help us get out of troubles. It is our own thoughts that we have to deal with that cause us grief and sadness.
God knows our struggles and that is why His plan for helping us is Jesus. So many people do not care and do not want to believe in God. But they are not you! You are curious and want to know if there is such a thing as saving grace. Is it too "goody two shoes" for you? You like being part of the gang but you are also tired of guilt and nothing changing to bring peace. Emotional rollercoaster lives can be frustrating. Thank God He gave us Jesus and His Holy Spirit.
What do you call a blessing? Does it have to be something that you want and desire? God knows our lives and our needs. We are the ones who take on the challenges and create the circumstances of our lives. So if you are going through struggles and wonder where God is in your time of need, then you are being a little selfish. Are you wanting His help just to give you peace of mind? Or are you trusting in Him to deliver you through your issues and have you know without a doubt, that it is He who is your provider. Giving you a thankful heart and an overwhelming love for Him.
Jesus went through so much. He did not deserve the circumstances that surrounded His death but they were there and He talked with God about them. He knew His immediate situation just as we do and He trusted in God to be with Him through it all. Now I could talk to you about the Holy Trinity but that can be a little confusing. Lets just say that God was with Jesus in the harshest of times and on into the glory of salvation.
Our struggles can weigh heavy upon us. They can confuse us and cause us to worry and to search for the right paths to take. We will do whatever it takes to save face and honor. No one wants their pride hurt, no one wants to go through hardships and pain, but they do happen, leaving us tired, weary and worn out. Thank God for He has given us Jesus, someone whom we can relate to, who has lived our struggles and pain so that we may find our way to trusting in God as, Jesus did. We are blocked from seeing God, by our own emotions, which make our minds wander in all directions. God's plan is a simple, no expectations plan. Accept Jesus for who He is!
Praying to God does not have to be complicated. He is there ready and willing to hear anything you have to say. He always is and always will be. You are His child and He is concerned about anything that distracts you from Him. He knows your problems and how easily they consume your thoughts. He just wants you to believe that He is there ready and willing to hear from you. Then He will show you the results of trusting in Him and your amazement will fill your heart with the love and confidence you have longed for.
Today is Easter Sunday the day when Mary found the tomb of Jesus empty. It broke her heart to think that someone had stolen His body. Then in the midst of her tears and sadness, Jesus was there. At first she thought He was the gardener but when He spoke, she recognized His voice and her sadness became joy. Your life may have all sorts of complications, but it is through our challenges that we find peace in knowing Jesus is with us.
Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for making clear the direction we need to take. At first with weary steps and hesitation, only to find the ultimate peace and happiness with You. 😊
John chapter 20 verses 10-17.
We went on home, and by that time Mary had returned to the tomb and was standing outside crying. And as she wept, she stooped and looked in and saw two white robed angels sitting at the head and foot of the place where the body of Jesus had been lying.
"Why are you crying?" the angels asked her. "Because they have taken away my Lord," She replied, "and I don't know where they have put Him."
She glanced over her shoulder and saw someone standing behind her. It was Jesus, but she did not recognize Him! "Why are you crying?" He asked her. "Whom are you looking for?"
She thought He was the gardener. "Sir," she said, "if you have taken Him away, tell me where you have put Him and I will go and get Him."
"Mary!" Jesus said. She turned toward Him. "Master!" she exclaimed.
2 Corinthians chapter 3 verses 4-6.
We dare to say these good things about ourselves only because of our great trust in God through Christ, that He will help us be true to what we say, and not because we think we can do anything of lasting value by ourselves. Our only power and success come from God. He is the one who has helped us tell others about His new agreement to save them. We do not tell them that they must obey every law of God or die; but we tell them there is life for them from the Holy Spirit. The old way of trying to be saved by the keeping the Ten Commandments, ends in death; the new way, the Holy Spirit gives them life.
Ephesians chapter 4 verses 20-24.
But that is not the way Christ taught you! If you have really heard His voice and learned from Him the truths concerning Himself, then throw off your old evil nature---the old you that was a partner in your evil ways---rotten through and through, full of lust and sham. Now your attitudes and thoughts must always be constantly changing for the better. Yes, you must be a new and different person, holy and good. Clothe yourself with this new nature.
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