Oh, look at that!

Who do you see? Something you want? It is a good thing to be strong and safe, otherwise you would be going after what has got your attention. Thank You Father for Jesus. 

Ephesians chapter 5 verses 1 and 2.
Follow God's example in everything you do, just as a much loved child imitates his father. Be full of love for others, following the example of Christ who loved you and gave Himself to God as a sacrifice to take away your sins. And God was pleased, for Christ's love for you was like sweet perfume to Him. 

Each day you wake up and go about your day. It does not matter what you are doing or where you are. The thing is, you are watching over you. You are the one who is totally aware of your surroundings and what you are doing. 
   Just like yourself, others do not really care about what they do to you. They too are watching out for themselves. You may show compassion and kindness but in the long run, they are only people you know, in a world that you have to live in. You would be lucky if you find someone who wants to be with you. Someone who cares about you and wants to listen to you, help you, walk with you and enjoys who you are. 
   Do you see Jesus as just another person who was a good guy? He helped people, He cared about people and He even tried to tell the people how to find peace and happiness. Yet people only wanted His healing powers and food provision. Anything further than that was too far fetched for them. They could only understand what they physically could touch or see. It is so sad because Jesus was sent by God to guide us into a life with Him. A life where God is known as our Father and our eyes are on Him to be our Savior.  
   Today if we want something we buy it. And if we do not have the funds to get what we want; we become creative in our ways to accomplish our goals. Working hard is nothing new. In order to provide the necessities of life we need to make an income. We cannot expect life to be handed to us on a plater, while we take and take and take and have our health become affected from our lack of laziness and closed mindedness. 
   By becoming inventive we become encouraged and as a result we are able to find ways to achieve our goals. But becoming inventive is not easy. Lots of times we give up because we do not see the direction we need to go and quickly loose interest. And that leads us to yet another disappointment. 
   When we do succeed then we either find ourselves hoarding what we have so that others do not take away what we worked so hard to get or we loose all that we worked so hard to get because our delights are found in all the glittering stuff that we can have. The more we want the more we owe.  
   It is a crazy way to have peace. It is a viscous circle that affects relationships, self-control, faith in others, and trust which ends up leaving us alone in our thoughts; that we are determined to hold so closely to. 
   When someone does something for us we are grateful. It could be a kind word at just the right time, it could be a present that was something you needed, it could be a meal when times were tough, it could be a helping hand when one is required. It could be the love of a listening ear or the understanding of someone who you care about. The thing is you are grateful and that brings you a moment of happiness. 
   Jesus is that person who was sent by God to lead you into the loving life that He wants with you. You can have all you want, you can have all your dreams fulfilled. All you need to do is talk with Jesus. It is through your belief, that He can help you. God the Creator of all things wants to bless you beyond all your most wildest wishes and thoughts. 
   It is through the gift of Jesus that you will be thankful and filled with grace. Your struggles will no longer be the issue, but your praise and your joy will be your amazement that some how, God cares about you. It all starts with you! 
   It takes time to build trust and if you are walking in the right direction with your eyes on Jesus, then you will see the changes happen. The distractions are great. The temptations eat at our emotions but like any strong hold it can be taken down by focusing on the one who can and wants to show you how. When you are totally fed up with fighting your own battles, you will find Jesus waiting. He is God's gift, and once you see Him for who He is, you will never look away. 
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for the directions needed at just the right time. You are the Way, and the Truth and the Life.😊      

 1 John chapter 4 verses 9 and 10.
God showed how much He loved us by sending His only Son into this wicked world to bring to us eternal life through His death. In this act we see what real love is: it is not our love for God, but His love for us when He sent His Son to satisfy God's anger against our sin's.  

Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10.
It is God Himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago He planned that we should spend these lives in helping others. 

2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17.
When someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!

1 John chapter 15 verse 4.
Jesus told them; "Take care to live in Me and let Me live in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit when severed from the vine. Nor can you be fruitful apart from Me." 

Exodus chapter 34 verses 5 and 6.
Then the Lord descended in the form of a pillar of cloud and stood there with him and announced the meaning of His name. "I am Jehovah, the merciful and gracious God," He said, "slow to anger and rich in steadfast love and truth. 


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