Turmoil and Hope

On the right is Turmoil on the left is Hope. Turmoil is always trying to upset Hope but Hope listens patiently ready to guide when given the opportunity. 
Psalms chapter 109 verses 25-28.
I am a symbol of failure to all mankind; when they see me they shake their heads. Help me, O Lord my God! Save me because You are loving and kind. Do it publicly, so all will see that You Yourself have done it. Then let them curse me if they like---I won't mind that, if You are blessing me! For then all their efforts to destroy me will fail, and I shall go right on rejoicing! 

December 7, 1941 was a terrible day in history. It ranks right up there among all the other terrible things that have happened in our lives. As devastating as atrocities to mankind are, our own battles are just as harmful to us. In order to overcome we need to fight for our survival. Giving up does no one any good and hiding from troubles does not mean they are going to go away. In fact they may come looking for you. 
   The best outcome is the relief felt by winning the battle. There is nothing like the feeling of relief. It is the accomplishment over something you have been struggling with. You can try to ignore problems and you can try your best to avoid situations that cause you anxieties or worries but attitudes and bill collectors and aging do not go away.
   Trying to think before you respond helps make better decisions. Past experiences help us to be prepared for quick responses and trusting that your decision is the right path allows you to feel comfortable. There are simple everyday issues that we deal with quickly and then there are the ones that can take hold of our thoughts, causing restlessness. 
   The longer the trials the heavier they weigh upon us. So what are we to do about the long term frustrations? God does offer us relief through Jesus. You may not believe in God or think that you can ever trust in someone other than yourself to solve your issues. But God's offer still stands and it is there for you when you have nowhere else to turn. 
   No matter what it is that has taken such a hold on you, God wants to listen and wants to be your salvation, so that you can see clearly the blessing that came from Him. You may pray to Him and ask for His help, but it will be Jesus whom you will come to know. Your life has been one struggle after another and you know that it will continue, so why should you trust in God? You can't see Him! You can't touch Him! 
   That is why Jesus came to earth and it is why you need to believe through faith that God is real and that He really does want to help you. It all starts with you! There is no one pushing you into something you do not want. It will be a feeling you have. A feeling of last resort, a feeling of hope, a feeling that maybe God can help you. 
   So you say a prayer, maybe even a doubtful pray, but a prayer non the less, to God. You hope for help and some way for happiness to return. You have let your most inner feelings out and you feel better for doing it. Maybe you even said thank you to God for listening to you. 
   It sit's on your mind, that you spoke to God. Maybe you spoke a little nicer to someone. Maybe you spoke out some wisdom, that seemed right to you, but others had not said it. Maybe you stop yourself from going to places that you know lead you along wrong paths. Maybe you start to see some good in times when you find it hard to let go. Maybe you remember your words to God and realize that what has happened is not a result of your doing but something out of character for you.
   Your challenges seem lighter, so you talk to God again. You know you are talking to the air and you still wonder who you are talking too, but something did happen to you from your previous visit to God and so you start by thanking Him for His help. Again you feel better, something is different. 
   In Matthew chapter 8 verse 24, we read about Jesus being asleep in the midst of a terrible storm. How easy do you find it to be able to sleep or even feel relaxed in the midst of threatening storms? There must be something that brought Him such wonderful peace as troubles surrounded Him. Jesus talked about His death before it happened. He knew the terrible suffering He was facing, yet He was not afraid. His human side felt grief and sadness for those who were so confused and misguided. He knew God's plan and was strengthened by it. 
    God's plan is the same for everyone. In the most terrible of circumstances we too can be at peace, by knowing that God has got our back. Do you live with God or are you trying so hard to survive through another day? He is right there waiting to hear from you, where you will find Jesus ready to guide you along the right paths. 
   Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for your amazing love when love is so badly needed. 😊  

John chapter 12 verse 27.
Jesus told them; "My soul is deeply troubled. Shall I pray, Father, save Me from what lies ahead? But that is the very reason why I came! Father, bring glory and honor to Your name."

Psalms chapter 1 verse 2.
Oh, the joys of those who delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on His laws and thinking about ways to follow Him more closely.

2 Corinthians chapter 4verses 15-18.
The more of you who are won to Christ, the more there are to thank Him for His great kindness, and the more the Lord is glorified. That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our inner strength in the Lord is growing every day. These troubles and suffering of ours are, after all, quite small and won't last very long. Yet this short time of distress will result in God's richest blessing upon us forever and ever!
So, we do not look at what we can see right now, the troubles all around us, but we look forward to the joys in heaven which we have not yet seen. The troubles will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.

Hebrews chapter 11 verse 27.
It was because Moses trusted God that He left Egypt and was not afraid of the king's anger. Moses kept right on going; it seemed as though he could see God right there with him.


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