Promises, Promises

"Heavenly Father I come to You, seeking forgiveness and believing You can help me. Jesus, teach me to let go of worries and anxieties, and fill me with Your promises to care and love me forever." 

 Hebrews chapter 6 verses 16-18.
When a man takes an oath, he is calling upon someone greater than himself to force him to do what he has promised, or to punish him if he later refuses to do it. God also bound Himself with an oath, so that those He promised to help would be perfectly sure and never need to wonder whether He might change His plans. He has given us both a promise and an oath, two things we can completely count on, for it is impossible for God to tell a lie. 

Laws, promises and oaths hold us accountable to what we say and do. 
   If they are broken, then our thoughts are aware of what we have done and may or may not cause us to feel guilt. Hiding away from society and family, the ones who want to see us successful, is not the answer either. We then feel guilty for not answering the phone or living up to a commitment. 
   Maybe you are someone who knows the ramifications of doing wrong so you try your best to avoid any situations that will cause conflict. You have an opinion, yet you know when it is right to speak out and when it is right to hold your tongue. Or you at least try your best to stop from failing. 
   What if you knew there was a place that never changes and is a joy to be in all the time? A place where you never become bored and are always satisfied. Would you not want to go there? There is such a place and God offers it to all people. It is available all the time, to all people. No matter what your circumstances are in life, God has made it possible for us to come and live in His glorious light now and forever. 
   There are no catches, no fees, nothing hidden or underhanded. God says seek Jesus and you will find Me. It is a simple promise and God never breaks a promise. So why doesn't everyone live there now? It is because of trusting in faith. How can we trust in something so amazing, to be true? Even though many testify to living in His presence as being the most wonderful, trustworthy and happiest place they have ever experienced. Others still cannot come to fathom that such a place can be real.
   To many promises have been broken. To many times there have been hidden agendas. Even if you are a family man and love your wife and love your children and serve in the community, and work hard to have a nice home and provide a good comfortable life. You are not whole unless all the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed. 
   There are unanswered questions and hurt feelings. God does not promise to take away your troubles, but to make it possible to live with them knowing He is with you. So, be confident in the one person who can give you the needed direction, allowing you to shine in all you do. Jesus is the way to having a life filled with God. In John chapter 17 verse 3; Jesus states; "And this is the way to have eternal life---by knowing You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one You sent to earth!"
   Psalms chapter 34 verse 4 says; "I cried to the Lord and He answered me! He freed me from all my fears." These are the promises of God! To take care of those who trust in Him and seek His help. No matter what you think, the only way to stop with struggles and unanswered questions is to seek the knowledge and understanding from the one who can give it to you. 
   It will totally rub you the wrong way, It is against all that you have known up to now, but it is true and you cannot avoid the curiosity of wanting to find the peace, you so desperately long for. You will be learning new ways, things that will amaze you and you will want to share your experiences with others. It would be nice if they too would seek what you want. Maybe the will and maybe they won't. 
   The thing is Jesus and how He shines through you. No matter the ridicule, you still care. Jesus is an overwhelming love that gives you the warmth and understanding of God. You get along with everyone, ready to share who Jesus is. He is God's promise, and now you have the first hand experience of knowing Him.  
   God can provide all our needs and that leaves us filled with happiness and peace. It is because He does what He says that we trust in Him for everything. When troubles cause us to worry, you turn to God and ask for His help because you trust in Him. And what blows you away is the results of a Father who is unseen, but everywhere. He hears you, He knows your worries before they even happen. He tells you to trust in Him and you do! 
   Thank You Father for Jesus and thank You for Your promises, that are unfailing and filled with grace. 😊   

Galatians chapter 3 verses 21 and 22.
Are God's laws and God's promises against each other? Of course not! If we could be saved by His laws, then God would not have given us a different way to get out of the grip of sin---for the Scriptures insist we are all prisoners. The only way out is through faith in Jesus Christ; the way to escape is open to all who believe Him.

Ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 8.
"Everything is utterly weary and tiresome. No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied; no matter how much we hear, we are not content."

Ephesians chapter 3 verses 20 and 21. 
Now glory be to God who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of---infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes. 


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