Risen up

 Psalms chapter 116 verse 15.                                                                                                                  "His loved ones are very precious to Him and does not lightly let them die."

"Thank You Father for life with You. Thank You for Your Son Jesus and for Your Holy Spirit."

"I have watched loved ones die and I'm thankful that You are there for them. I know many people who worship You and give You praise. I've heard the testimonies and see the joy that is in their hearts as they give You their thankfulness for Your unbounding love of salvation. I read Your word and know that You are there for those who need Your help. Even though I am undeserving of Your wonderful love and forgiveness, it is You who has brought that same joy that other believers have, into my life."

"I do not understand why You love me, or even want to care for me, but You do. You want to use me to be an example of Your love towards people. I can live with that, if it means I get to live in Your presence, being guided by You. On my own all I did was make mistakes. I still make them but, You are there guiding me with Your wisdom and helping me to see the dangers."

The bible speaks of darkness and your word being the light onto our path. It is true. I would never have thought that could be a true statement but it is. To those who do not understand, it is because they are not interested in seeking the truth. The bible, which is God's words of direction, also talks of when and how people will come to seek God. It is in our times of troubles and despair that we seek help. 

You are not concerned about where that help is coming from or how it will get to you. All you are seeing is your troubles and you desperately want them to go away. You are fed up with quick bandages of relief. You are tired and worn out from constantly fighting. All you want is to live a good life, where you can help others and enjoy the peace of your world, the one you have created around you. You have worked hard for it and you deserve to wake up refreshed, ready to enjoy whatever the day is going to bring. 

You can have that peace, even in a world that is constantly trying to throw you curve balls. It is through Jesus that eternal peace can be found. It is God who has made that possible and all you have to do is to find hope in talking to Him. He already knows your troubles and has been waiting for you to recognize, that it is through Him, that Your salvation can be found in Jesus.  

If you can come to the conclusion that God is the Creator of the earth, universe, and all people, then you will be forever thankful, and see clearly His love for you. Jesus is our Savior and it is only through Him that you will know the joy of living with God. Living in His presence, you will see that everything you do is a gift from God and oh, the joy and amazement that will fill your heart.

The bible is filled with stories of people who face the same days as you do. And it is through their experiences that you are strengthened and encouraged. God is with all those who trust in Him and seek His guidance. It is through His touch upon your life that you will skip through your days with child like happiness. You don't go looking for trouble, you are happy and joyful, filled with the confidence of trusting in God. Troubles may find you, but you can trust God to hear your concerns and keep you safe from harm.

You belong to God's family where Jesus is with you always and God's Holy Spirit fills you with an overwhelming love and loyalty to Him. Hold close to Him and know that He is there with you always. He knows your heart and your love for Him and He will never leave you. Isaiah 35 speaks of God's glory brightening the harshest of deserts. It speaks of a road that will go right through the once deserted land and it will be called "The Holy Highway." That highway is the place of refuge where no evil- hearted man will walk. It is in that place where you can find Jesus and know that He is walking with you, forever. 

In Psalms chapter 32 verses 4 and 5 we can read how wonderful God's forgiveness is. He expects us to fully trust in Him in all we do, all the time. That is achieved through the awareness of God's presence and seeing the results of trusting in Him. You will be forever grateful. No matter what you have done. No matter where you are. No matter the situations you are in. He is there with you. Talk to Him and be thankful for His help. 

You may have doubts in your mind. You may struggle with what sounds good and promising. You may want to walk a path with God but are hesitant to fully give Him control of your opinions and emotions. The thing is, we do make mistakes and we do get angry. We do enjoy the numbing of our senses because it helps us forget for a moment and replace troubles with laughter. We do have opinions and we do feel guilt. God knows this and is waiting for you to talk to Him. Have a relationship with Him and then He can offer you what you never expected. He can give you what you never thought could be possible. 

God is love and He wants to have your love. He wants to give you His love and see you along side Him all day long. You do not have to struggle with ups and downs but be set free to enjoy all that is around you. God has created it all for you to enjoy, from the moment you rise each day to the moment you rise the next day. Everything and everyone is a gift from God. 

Thank You Father for Jesus. The best gift we could ever receive.  😊       

2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21.                                                                                                              "For God took the sinless Christ and poured into Him our sins. Then, in exchange, He poured God's goodness into us."

1 John chapter 3 verses 1-3.                                                                                                                   "See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for He allows us to be called His children---think of it---and we really are! But since most people do not know God, naturally they do not understand that we are His children. Yes, dear friends, we are already God's children, right now, and we can not even imagine what it is going to be like later on. But we know this, that when His comes we will be like Him, as a result of seeing Him as He really is. And everyone who really believes this will try to stay pure because Christ is pure."

1 Peter chapter 2 verses 16-17.                                                                                                              "You are free from the law, but that does not mean you are free to do wrong. Live as those who are free to do only God's will at all times. Show respect to everyone. Love Christians everywhere. Fear God and honor the government."

Luke chapter 18 verses 16 and 17.                                                                                                        Then Jesus called the children over to Him and said to His disciples, "Let the children come to Me! Never send them away! For the Kingdom of God belongs to men who have hearts as trusting as these little children's. And anyone who does not have their kind of faith will never get within the Kingdom's gates." 


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