Seeing is believing.
What a smile it brings to your face, when you see and believe.
John chapter 20 verses 28 and 29.
"My Lord and My God!" Thomas said. Then Jesus told him, "You believe because you have seen Me. But blessed are those who have not seen Me and believe anyway."
Jesus was sent to gather the lost and show them that they have a place in this world, with God. His suffering is no different than ours. The trials and heaviness of our thoughts makes us want to cry out in anguish, longing for relief.
God knows what troubles we have and how they haunt our thoughts. That is why He sent Jesus. And it is why Jesus had to go through the suffering that He did. Salvation has been made possible because of God's love for all people. Jesus suffered and prayed for relief from His pain, but He knew it was not about His pain but about coming to God and trusting in Him.
In the end Jesus was freed and those who saw Him were amazed and filled with joy. It is because of what Jesus did for all people that we can find our way to know the love and joy of living in God's presence. But, you have to find your own way. It is through your emotional roller coaster of daily up's and downs that we become exhausted and ready to seek a better plan than trusting in ourselves.
God is not hidden, He is not mysterious. He is there for anyone, available at all times. You just need to talk to Him. He is waiting. The rules of this world are there to guide us and keep us from making mistakes. Yet, we don't listen to them. We are too anxious, ready to see what is going to come next. We hear something, we see something and it becomes a thought that eats at our desires.
Psalms chapter 107 verses 21 and 22.
"My Lord and My God!" Thomas said. Then Jesus told him, "You believe because you have seen Me. But blessed are those who have not seen Me and believe anyway."
Jesus was sent to gather the lost and show them that they have a place in this world, with God. His suffering is no different than ours. The trials and heaviness of our thoughts makes us want to cry out in anguish, longing for relief.
God knows what troubles we have and how they haunt our thoughts. That is why He sent Jesus. And it is why Jesus had to go through the suffering that He did. Salvation has been made possible because of God's love for all people. Jesus suffered and prayed for relief from His pain, but He knew it was not about His pain but about coming to God and trusting in Him.
In the end Jesus was freed and those who saw Him were amazed and filled with joy. It is because of what Jesus did for all people that we can find our way to know the love and joy of living in God's presence. But, you have to find your own way. It is through your emotional roller coaster of daily up's and downs that we become exhausted and ready to seek a better plan than trusting in ourselves.
God is not hidden, He is not mysterious. He is there for anyone, available at all times. You just need to talk to Him. He is waiting. The rules of this world are there to guide us and keep us from making mistakes. Yet, we don't listen to them. We are too anxious, ready to see what is going to come next. We hear something, we see something and it becomes a thought that eats at our desires.
Think for a moment. How many times have you gone and done something against what your parents said? How many times have you made a decision to do something and had it backfire or not turn out as you hoped it would or not as you thought it would? It happens and lots of times we don't even realize we are doing it.
Then there is the backtrack, on how to recover from what has been done. Hopefully harsh words are not spoken and an easy acceptable recovery is possible. It is not easy to recover; for the path we followed in the first place, is still guiding our thoughts. That thought pattern has to be broken and a new thought pattern needs to be followed. Being willing to adjust and thankful for each experience makes us strong and wise. Being willing to learn is the first steps to finding what we seek.
Romans chapter 10 says it the most simplest and easiest way to understand. Salvation comes from trusting in Christ. It is already within easy reach of each of us. In fact it is as near as your mouth and your heart. For if you tell others with your own mouth that Jesus Christ is our Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. It is by believing that a person becomes right with God and it is by talking about your faith that confirms your salvation. WOW!
You can't hold back what you know to be true. You can try to hide it, you can try to get along with others who doubt and question what you are saying but the fact remains, you know what you have seen with your own eyes. You know that there is no way possible for the changes to have happened to you without it being a gift from God. The one you prayed to for help.
1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 58 guides us to be strong and steady, since we know that future victory is sure to happen. Always abounding in the Lord's work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever wasted as it would be if there was no resurrection.
The trials of your life will not go away but you will have peace of mind knowing that you are living in the presence of God, all because of Jesus. You have seen the wonderful love and grace of God, and because He listened to you and helped you, you are filled with thanksgiving. Grateful that God has made it possible for you to talk to Him, by sending Jesus for you to get to know. Jesus has been lifted up to the highest place of honor next to God and you have been lifted up from life without God to life with God.
You believe because you see the difference and know that you would rather live a life with Jesus than without Him. So you sing praises, you worship and you live a life filled with thanksgiving.
Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You for your saving grace and mercies. You have given all people new opportunities and new beginnings. Something they can hold onto and believe in. 😊
Psalms chapter 19 verses 1-
The heavens are telling the glory of God; they are a marvelous display of His craftmanship. Day and night they keep on telling about God. Without a sound or word, silent in the skies, their message reaches out to all the world.
Acts chapter 17 verse 28.
For in Him we live and move and are! As one of your own poets says it, "We are the sons of God."
John chapter 1 verse 18.
No one has ever actually seen God, but of course, His only Son has, for He is the companion of the Father and has told us all about Him.
Psalms chapter 107 verses 21 and 22.
Oh, that these men would praise the Lord for His lovingkindness and for all His wonderful deeds! Let them tell Him "Thank You" as their sacrifice, and sing about His glorious deeds.
Isaiah chapter 53 verse 10.
"Yet is was the Lord's good plan to bruise Him and fill Him with grief. But when His soul has been made an offering for sin, then He shall have a multitude of children, many heirs. He shall live again and God's program shall prosper in His hands."
Psalm chapter 34 verse 8.
"Oh, put God to the test and see how kind He is! See for yourself the way His mercies shower down on all who trust in Him."
Isaiah chapter 53 verse 10.
"Yet is was the Lord's good plan to bruise Him and fill Him with grief. But when His soul has been made an offering for sin, then He shall have a multitude of children, many heirs. He shall live again and God's program shall prosper in His hands."
Psalm chapter 34 verse 8.
"Oh, put God to the test and see how kind He is! See for yourself the way His mercies shower down on all who trust in Him."
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