There's nothing wrong with me.
Luke chapter 5 verse 32.
Jesus said, "My purpose is to invite sinners to turn from their sins, not to spend My time with those who think themselves already good enough."
You go about your life. Minding your own business. You stand up and speak out for yourself, when you feel like you are being attacked, you speak out for others when they are under attack. You try hard to watch what you eat and get some physical exercise each day. You feel that you are a kind and loving person. You have a loving family and people that care about you. Everything is just what you would expect your life to be. Or is it?
We all have had our fair share of troubles. Who has not had financial issues or relationship upsets. That is part of life and we can not get away from facing what happens. Death makes us sad. Maybe you have known someone for a long time and for some reason they are no longer here.
The issues that come upon us all may have similarities but each of us deal with them in their own ways. Some people are able to get over them quickly, and bury their emotions so that they can control each outcome. Others will struggle with their thoughts, wanting to do what is right but having a hard time finding the answers they seek.
God is offering us a choice through knowing Jesus. God is asking us to rely upon Him for all things. He knows that we struggle with worry and temptation, so He is giving everyone the opportunity of living in His grace, through knowing Jesus. Life is about the here and now. We are all aware of how short life is and how quickly each day goes by. A moment lost to worry and frustration is forever gone and cannot be brought back again.
The issues that consume our days should be of certainty, where we are at peace with whatever the outcome may be. When you can accept that we are not in control and realize that you are living in God's world, surrounded by everything that He has given you, then you will be at peace because you know that God is with you in all circumstances. He is there in all things, all the time. Not just when you need Him, but all the time.
You may think, I cannot accept that because people will think I'm crazy to believe in something I cannot see or touch. It would not be normal. "Maybe I can believe, in secret and trust that He will be there for me in my troubles." It does not work that way! God wants your full attention. You will see Him touch every aspect of your life. From work success to relational love. He provides and loves you.
Currently, you open your eyes each morning to the world and whatever you are going to face, would it not be nice to know that you can open your eyes and say good morning to Jesus. And tell God how thankful you are that He has given you a good nights sleep. That you are fully rested and prepared to face the day with Him, knowing that no matter what happens God is with you.
God is not changing who you are, He is offering you peace of mind. Every moment of our day is filled with different thoughts that we need to deal with. God is your heavenly Father whom wants to direct you and fill you with the thoughts of kindness, compassion and love, all the while being thankful to Him. We are to act like Jesus, trusting God, living with God always and being prepared with His word to represent Him.
By knowing Jesus and trusting in God you are confident and at peace with your life. You have seen how He directs your thoughts, how He brings you peace in tension and sickness. You are so thankful to Him for His grace, that your day is filled with praise and worship. Now you are ready to face whatever comes along, ready to share what you have been given with others. Ready to help, refreshed and joyful.
Thank you Father for Jesus. It is through Your wonderful grace that we can have a peaceful life, knowing that You are always there. 😊
Ezekiel chapter 18 verses 5-9.
"But if a man is just and does what is lawful and right, and has not gone out to the mountains to feast before the idols of Israel and worship them, and does not commit adultery, nor lie with with any woman during the time of her menstruation, and is a merciful creditor, not holding on to the items given to him in pledge by poor debtors, and is no robber, but gives food to the hungry and clothes those in need, and grants loans without interest, and stays away from sin, and is honest and fair when judging others, and obeys My laws---that man is just, says the Lord and he shall surely live."
Proverbs chapter 4 verses 11 and 12.
"I would have you learn this great fact: that a life of doing right is the wisest life there is. If you live that kind of life, you will not limp or stumble as you run. Carry out My instructions; don't forget them, for they will lead you to real living."
Isaiah chapter 6 verses 6 and 7.
Then one of the seraphs flew over to the alter and with a pair of tongs picked out a burning coal. He touched my lips with it and said, "Now you are pronounced 'Not guilty' because this coal has touched your lips. Your sins are forgiven."
(Through Jesus, our sins have been forever forgiven. It is God's grace that is offering you new life everyday. It is your love for Him that fills His life with joy. We are His children and He wants to take care of us. Thank God for Jesus!)
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