He is here!
Psalms chapter 90 verses 9 and 10.
"No wonder the years are long and heavy here beneath your wrath. All our days are filled with sighing. Seventy years are given us! And some may live to eighty. But the best of these years are often emptiness and pain; soon they disappear, and are gone."
Our youth is filled with excitement and drama. It is a never ending learning experience filled with adventure and heartache. As we age we start to see how quickly the days are going by. How do we ever find the time to fit in all that we want to do. You realize that it is the small things that are precious to you. I could be something someone has given you or something you inherited or maybe it was your furry friend that has given you lasting memories.
Maybe you have had a family and have watched your children grow. Maybe you have found love and protection in your spouse. Are you happy? Are you tired and exhausted? Jesus has given us the opportunity of purpose. He has made it possible for us to understand why we are here. The trees and the sky and all the amazing things we can see were not just a creation of atoms banging together.
The only answer is God. He is the one who put it all together and we are living here in it. We are born into His world and we will die here. So, you can have fun and enjoy all the amazing things around, always remember to give the glory and honor to God for His love. It is not easy to see and understand that all is from Him because our lives are busy dealing with our own issues of emotions and selfishness.
It is when we question the struggles and sadness of heartache that Jesus is seen. You may accept Him or you may push Him away but you cannot ignore the possibility that He and the thoughts of Him, are there to help you. Our lives are way to short to just go through each day, only to do it all over again the next day and every once and a while throw in a vacation or a shinny new toy.
God wants you to see the beauty of His world and to know that it is because of Jesus, that we are able to come to understand God's love for us. If you can let go of always trying to control every outcome than all will begin to make sense. It is like learning a new fact that you never thought possible.
Love makes us feel comfort, protection and joy. When in love we are happy and not burdened with the troubles life surrounds us with. We try desperately to hold onto those feelings, knowing that at any moment they may be gone. Leaving us with the memories of what they were like. Life can harden even the softest of hearts. Making us angry and frustrated.
The love that Jesus gives is eternal love. It is a lasting love that fills you with peace and joy. You are forever grateful and thankful for His love. You will wonder how such an amazing love could be possible. You will falter with mistakes, testing the love of Jesus, but always finding His forgiveness is right there when you seek Him.
He knows those who truly believe that He is the way to happiness and peace. He knows that you grow in your faith and how wonderfully thankful you are to Him when you see His love protecting you. He knows how amazed you are when you see that your success has come from Him. He hears your love for Him in your words of praise and song.
The experiences of life can leave us bitter and empty. All that is gone when the Holy Spirit fills you with the comfort of knowing Jesus is with you always. There may be trials, there may be issues that have to be dealt with, there will be emotions and attitudes, but you are no longer alone to deal with them. Jesus is with you. He is there to hear you and to help you. Don't be in a rush, talk to Him and He will answer you. You will have the right paths and the right answers.
His love will shine through you and your love for Him will be the light that others will see.
Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you for hope and your love. 😊
John chapter 12 verses 44-46.
Jesus shouted to the crowds, "If you trust Me, you are really trusting God. For when you see Me, you are seeing the one who sent Me. I have come as Light to shine in the dark world, so that all who put their trust in Me will no longer wander in the darkness."
Philippians chapter 2 verses 5-11.
"Your attitude should be the kind that was shown by Jesus Christ, who though He was God, did not demand and cling to His rights as God, but laid aside His mighty power and glory, taking the disguise of a slave and becoming like men. And He humbled Himself even further, going so far as actually to die a criminals death on a cross. Yes it was because of this that God raised Him up to the heights of heaven and gave Him a name which is above every other name, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
Psalms chapter 100 verses 1-4.
"Shout with joy before the Lord, Oh earth! Obey Him gladly; come before Him, singing with joy. Try to realize what this means---the Lord is God! He made us---we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Go through His gates with great thanksgiving; enter His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and bless His name."
1 Peter chapter 3 verses 13-15.
"Quietly trust yourself to Christ your Lord and if anybody asks why you believe as you do, be ready to tell him, and do it in a gentle and respectful way."
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