Food for Life

Exodus chapter 16 verse 31.
And the food became known as "manna" (meaning "What is it?); it was white, like coriander seed, and flat, and tasted like honey bread.

People were hungry and wanted food. It was Moses under God's direction who had led them out into the barren wilderness, where they soon ran out of water and food. The people cried to Moses and it was God who provided the water and the food that they were requiring. The people knew the miracle of His provision, now they demanded that He would provide it daily. This meant that they recognized that it came from God, making them thankful for His provision.
   That was a long time ago and many things happened that caused people to know that God was the one taking care of them. There are endless stories of people thanking God for His watchful eye over them and how He has protected them in their times of distress.
   Are you thankful today or do you just take for-granted that every day just comes and goes and that all that is provided and all that we encounter is by chance? God has always been there, ready to help when people call out to Him. Yet, when everything is ok, there is no need for God or His help! It seems as though He is only needed when times are tough.
   That has been the story of the bible and of history since forever. But what do you care about history or what the bible is saying, when there is food on your plate and you do not worry about being thirsty?  It is easy to forget who God is because you have no reason for needing or wanting Him in your life. So, what about physical sickness and emotional distress? How do you deal with life's never ending issues?
   Most people try their best to avoid excessive stress. They do not need any more than their already busy lives give. A lot of effort and money is spent on finding peace and comfort. Endless shopping for unnecessary stuff, vacations and keeping the family busy, does fill our days, distracting our thoughts, but there is always going to be something that makes us squirm and restless.
   The news around the world of current upset can give us concern and even worry. Yet, we continue going about our day, thinking about how to provide and where our next vacation may be. All along there could be financial issues, relational problems, or the sadness of a broken heart.
   What is it going to take for you to look at God and get to know Jesus? Maybe the words I write today may stir your curiosity or maybe you will finally be at your wits end, unable to take anymore of the confusion and unending questions that occupy your thoughts.
   People get angry when their lifestyle is threatened. Is that necessary? No one likes to have worry. No one likes to see others taken advantage of. So we stand up and voice our opinion, calling out for change and help. But who are you talking to? Who is listening?
   Maybe you will be heard and maybe there will come change, but that does not put your mind at ease. You will forever be looking over your shoulder, wondering who or what is going to interrupt your thoughts. God has made it possible through Jesus for all people to find rest and peace for their ever changing challenging minds.
   No matter what we are facing, Jesus tells us that we can trust God to direct us and provide for us. All you have to do is believe that God can do as He says and then trust in Him to do it for you. It has to be a commitment from you. Which is not hard to do once you see for yourself how much God wants to love you and be there for you.
   Temptation is the one thing that can misdirect our desires. It is through the miracle of God touching your life that you will trust Him to protect you from those temptations. Instead of caving into temptation you will see it for what it is and ask God to protect you from it. Jesus is our guide to trusting in God and through Him you will know you are God's child where you are part of His family.
   It is you thankfulness for His love that stands out in your happiness. You are rested and ready to help where you can. You know it is because of Jesus that you are feeling like you do. He has touched your heart and you feel His joy, an awesome overwhelming love. You trust God to take care of you and He does. He steers you away from harm and gives you the direction you need to be wise, loving and happy.
   Maybe you thought about God occasionally. Maybe you called out to Him once and awhile and you got a glimpse of who He is. But now you totally believe and all because you are seeing Him for the first time. There is no more questions, there is no doubt. God is the loving Father He claims to be and Jesus is His Son. And you have been welcomed into His family.
    Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you for eternal life and a joy that we never thought possible. 😊 

John chapter 4 verse 10.
Jesus replied, "If you only knew what a wonderful gift God has for you, and who I am, you would ask Me for some living water!"

John chapter 6 verses 32-35.
Jesus said, "Moses did not give it to them, My Father did. And now He offers you true bread from heaven. The true Bread is a Person---the one sent by God from heaven, and He gives life to the world."
"Sir," they said, "give us that bread every day of our lives!" Jesus replied, "I am the Bread of Life. No one coming to Me will ever be hungry again. Those believing in Me will never thirst."

Hebrews chapter 13 verses 8-9.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Do not be be attracted by strange, new ideas. Your spiritual strength come as a gift from God."


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