Be humble.

Psalms chapter 61 verse 6 and 7.
"You will give me added years of life, as rich and full as those of many generations, all packed into one. And I shall live before the Lord forever."

What is your life like? Do you go to your job? Do you go to the stores? Do you have a cottage? Do you go on the odd vacation? Do you have children and take them to their various sport and recreational activities? Do you have a local pub where you take the time to unwind with similar people?  This is your life and you enjoy it right?
   When something spectacular happens, you can't wait to tell people about it. You like to share the stories of your new purchases and the people you interact with. There is nothing wrong with making each moment of your life the best it can be. You deserve it. You work hard for it and you have struggled to have it. So enjoy what you have and be happy the best way you can.
   It is in our sad times and those times of financial or marital issues that we can feel helpless and vulnerable. It is when we feel alone or in anger that our emotions overtake sensibility and cause us to say or do things that we may regret later. Our lives are not perfect. We do our best, to make the best of what we have. You can continue to deal with every situation as it arises. You can lean on others experiences for your guidance and you can lean on your own wisdom that has come from trial and error.
   No one is trying to change who you are or the life that you have. God is someone who is there. He is real and longs for you to know Him. He is not pushing Himself upon you, in fact He knows all your issues and knows that you make mistakes. He knows how upset and frustrated you get with yourself and others. He is not trying to step in and take control of who you are or change any part of how you live. He has made it possible for you to live with Him, with all your faults and doubts, with all your fears and joys, by knowing Jesus.
   If no one is there to listen to you when your troubles have built up and seem overwhelming, then it may look like there is no way out. No answers, no guidance, no hope for the good times to be there. It could be a good friend or a coworker. It could be your parent or a doctor. It could be the bank or a financial advisor. It could be just a random person whom you suddenly feel comfortable enough with to talk to and let out all your troubles. We all need someone at some point or another.
   When you look at the night sky with all it's stars and wonder, when you see the trees and flowers come to life after being covered by snow. When you watch a lightning storm or enjoy the warmth of a sun filled blue sky day. Does it not make you wonder how all this could be available, at no cost for you to experience? The mountains and the oceans. The lakes and the sunsets. The stillness of early morning coffee in the backyard.
   All your troubles seem to disappear when you can find the peace and joy of the world. That is God's plan for you. He has made all things possible through Jesus. He does not want you to feel overwhelmed with troubles. He wants you know He is listening. Jesus shows us how to live in peace by trusting God to provide and protect.
   He will take your troubles and help you understand the right paths to follow. You will be so amazed at the thoughts that are entering your mind. They could only have come from God whom you called out to for help. Whom you opened up your heart to and let out all your worries and fears. He has heard you and is now showing you the right decisions to make. It is through your peace and happiness that you give Him your thankfulness.
   Now you see His creations and His touch upon all things. You see Jesus and understand who He is and what forgiveness means. He has helped you. You now trust Him to help you again. His love and power is far more than you ever thought possible and He is giving it freely to you. Temptation and our own desires pull at us everyday. Thanks be to God that we can have someone to talk to and to lean upon. Jesus is the way.
   Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank You that we can bring our troubles to You. Thank You for Your saving Grace. 😊 

Psalms chapter 19 verses 1-4.
"The heavens are telling the glory of God; they are a marvelous display of His craftsmanship. Day and night they keep on telling about God. Without a sound or a word, silent in the sky's, their message reaches out to all the world.

James chapter 1 verses 2-5.
"Is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don't try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete."

James chapter 1 verse 21.
"So get rid of all that is wrong in your life, both inside and outside, and humbly be glad for the wonderful message we have received, for it is able to save our souls as it takes hold of our hearts."

Psalms chapter 37 verse 4 - 6.
"Be delighted in the Lord. Then He will give you all your hearts desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him to help you do it and He will. Your innocence will be clear to everyone.

Psalms chapter 37 verse 11.
"All who humble themselves before the Lord shall be given every blessing, and shall have wonderful peace."


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