Who do you trust?
Then Jehovah said to Moses, "Lift your hands to heaven, and darkness without a ray of light will descend upon the land of Egypt." So Moses did, and there was thick darkness over all the land for three days. During all that time the people scarcely moved---but all the people of Israel had light as usual.
Wow! Scientists, prove that one! It could not have been an eclipse of the sun, for right in the same area, the Israelite's lived in light.
Living with God, is living in a world covered by darkness, yet surrounded by His Light. It is His blessing upon all those who live with Him, to protect and care for them. The darkness being referred to is the troubles, the worries, the anxieties, the addictions, the failures, the things in life that fill our thoughts with sadness and despair. Maybe they are far and few between, maybe they attack you daily weighing heavily upon you. The thing is, if no one tells you that there is a God who cares and is waiting for you to see Him, for who He is, and call out to Him for help, then you will continually struggle with the challenges that haunt you.
It is up to you what kind of life you want to live. Maybe you think it is ok to struggle and be frustrated. Maybe the grip of addiction has it's hold on your body and you are trapped, always seeking a way out but never finding it. Maybe you have done something so terrible that you think there is no way to set things right. Maybe you are young and feel alone. Maybe you find it hard to deal with the world and all it's demands. Maybe you just can't find it in yourself to speak about what it is that you want so desperately to be free from.
There is a place where you can speak quietly, where no others will hear. You do not have to travel anywhere, you do not have to pay any money. All you need to do is speak to God. When you are ready, when you think there is no other place you can go. Just call out to Him. Speak it out load or in quiet words. He even hears your thoughts. He is there and He is real. All you need to do is trust in Him to help you.
The bible is full of supporting stories that will encourage you. You can become one of those whom you have heard about. Someone who has a story to tell. Someone who as been touched by God. Someone who He helped. It is their stories that have changed them forever. They are the ones filled with happiness and gratitude. Their faces beam with thankfulness and astonishment.
You do not have to live clouded by the sadness and confusion. If you continue to let yourself be guided by the circumstances of your life then your health and social interactions are going to be affected. The longer you go on living alone the tougher it will get to climb out of your set ways. I'm not talking about having a spouse or even a friend. I'm talking about God and having a life with Him.
If you think that you can take care of yourself than go ahead and watch what the outcome will be. But if you can trust in God and listen to what your heavenly Father has to say, then you will find His love and His blessings. He knows your desires, He knows your needs and your future. He is the one who will provide and give you a long life to enjoy it. He wants you happy and thankful to Him. And you will be!
Thank You Father for Jesus. Your wonderful love has made it possible to have a life filled with astonishment, joy and happiness.😊
Matthew chapter 7 verse 7 and 8.
Jesus said to the people; "Ask and you will be given what you ask for. Seek, and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Anyone who seeks, finds. If only you will knock, the door will be opened."
Matthew chapter 27 verse 45.
That afternoon, the whole earth was covered with darkness for three hours, from noon until three o'clock.
Matthew chapter 27 verse 45.
That afternoon, the whole earth was covered with darkness for three hours, from noon until three o'clock.
1 Kings chapter 17 verse 23.
Then Elijah took him downstairs and gave him to his mother. "See! He's alive!" he beamed.
Jeremiah chapter 17 verses 7 and 8.
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and has made the Lord his hope and confidence. He is like a tree planted along a riverbank, with it's roots reaching deep into the water---a tree not bothered by the heat nor worried by long months of drought. It's leaves stay green and it goes right on producing all it's luscious fruit.
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