John chapter 20 verses 19 and 20.
"That evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors, in fear of the Jewish leaders, when suddenly Jesus was standing there among them! After greeting them, He showed them His hands and side. And how wonderful was their joy as they saw their Lord!"
You can only imagine the joy and confusion you would have if you were to see someone whom you love and cared for, someone you were grieving after the loss of their life and had seen buried.
You knew they were dead and now you were gathering with others to grieve and celebrate their memory, when suddenly out of no where, behind locked doors, fearing the very enemy who had put your friend to death, You saw him with your own eyes, standing right there in front of you. And not just you but all the others who were there also.
You pinch yourself to believe that this is real and you are not just seeing a dream. You turn to others in astonishment to see and share in their reactions. Everyone is crying, everyone is laughing, everyone is filled with awe and joy, for this is real! There is no deception, there is no underlying trick.
That is what happened to the disciples on that day when they saw Jesus for the first time after they had seen Him buried. Like the disciples, your first reaction is to question the situation. Can this be real? And then all sorts of emotions kick in as you realize it is real and you end up in tears of joy and happiness. A loved one has been brought back to life!
Is that not you and how God feels, to know that you have come seeking Him? Jesus died so that we may live! You think back to how you struggled with believing. And in the end how you sought out God and His help only to find Jesus standing right there in front of you, with His arms wide open ready to hold you and help you.
You once were argumentative and doubted that one entity could be real and so powerful. That there was such a thing as a Savior. You were alive and breathing. Getting up each day and going about your business. Maybe you liked to drink and socialize. Maybe you just think that each day is as it is and you need to deal with each issue as it rises. But does that still give you the needed answers that keep your thoughts at peace?
There has to be more than just fun and sun. There has to be some reason that you yourself is here. Were you just born to be alive and then get old and die? Maybe you do make a mark on the earth. Maybe you are popular and many people respect you. Maybe you are someone who has what others want and look for, but none of the above still answer, why such a short life and what are we here for?
God has said all along that we are His children living in His world and we should be recognizing all that He has given to us. Maybe you can create idols and find some other reason to convince you, as to the purpose for your short lived life. Maybe you just don't care and want to make the best of the time you have.
Once you believe that it is God who created all that you see and live in, then you will start to understand who Jesus is and why He is so important to your life. Jesus touched the hearts of those who knew Him when He was alive and made real all of their hopes and His promises. Jesus died so that we could live. Live in a life with God, trusting in Him to take care of you and love you as His very own.
You start out not knowing, hoping that there is something. You then see for yourself and joy fills your heart. At last you understand Jesus and know the love God has for you.
Thank you Father for Jesus and never giving up. 😊
Luke chapter 24 verse 14 and 16.
"As they walked along they were talking of Jesus' death, when suddenly Jesus Himself came along and joined them and began walking beside them. But they did not recognize Him, for God kept them from it."
John chapter 20 verse 14.
"She glanced over her shoulder and saw someone standing behind her. It was Jesus, but she did not recognize Him!"
John chapter 24 verse 29.
Then Jesus told him, "You believe because you have seen Me. But blessed are those who have not seen Me and believe anyway."
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