With you

Exodus chapter 33 verse 14.
And the Lord replied, "I Myself will go with you and give you success."

No matter where we are in life. No matter our age or what our situations may be. Life has purpose and meaning if you live in the presence of God.
   You may work in the public or you may be someone who does not deal directly with too many people, when you have Jesus with you, then you are not alone. God wants you to trust in Him for guidance.
   You may have an idea about what the next step is that you are going to make, but do you know the outcome? With God it does not really matter. Sure He wants to see you successful and sure He wants you to gain the knowledge and understanding to help you reach your goals, but if failure happens or even if you are successful, who do you give the praise and glory to? It should be to God whom has given you Jesus and the joy of life.
   He is always with you. Talk to Him. Sing songs of praise to Him. Give Him all your happiness, for without Him you are just you. Alone to face trials and errors. You are alone to have hope for a good outcome. Whom then are you going to give the glory and honor to? And how are you going to react when things don't turn out just as you wanted them to?
   God wants to bless us so that we know everything is from Him. Not when we need Him to face our  tasks and trials, but to know that our provision, our family, our finances, our health, our lives from beginning to the end are from Him. Sure, we can be stubborn and make hit and miss decisions on our own or we can trust in God, who has made the way to life with Him through His Son Jesus.
   God's promises are true. Test Him, but be sure you are looking for Him to respond. Ask Him for His help and guidance and watch as He fills your thoughts with the direction you have been looking for. Be amazed by His protection from attitudes and worries. Be amazed by your success in completing your tasks.
   What is it you are seeking? Is it peace? Are you fed up and tired? You have come to the right place. You need look no longer in places that are not real and have failed you. Jesus will walk with you. He will lift you up from sadness and lost hope. He will set you on the path of living with Him.
   Instead of fighting failure after failure, your life will turn to joy as you watch Jesus bring you into God's amazing love. You will be overwhelmed with tears of happiness. Nothing you have ever experienced before can compare to the life you will live, with Jesus. His Light will shine through you and others will see it.
   Stop fighting and focus all your energy on knowing and trusting in God. Talk to Him, call out for His love and guidance. It will be the beginning of a journey for life, where you will never look back and be filled with all that is new.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and offering us Your hand to steady us forever. 😊

Isaiah chapter 1 verse 18.
"Come lets talk this over!" says the Lord; "No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can take it out and make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are stained as red as crimson, I can make you white as wool."

John chapter 8 verse 12.
Jesus said to the people, "I am the Light of the world. So if you follow Me, you won't be stumbling through the darkness, for living light will flood your path."

Hebrews chapter 12 verse 3.
"If you want to keep from becoming fainthearted and weary, think about His patience as sinful men did such terrible things to Him."


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