Everlasting Peace.
Romans chapter 8 verse 5.
"Those who let themselves be controlled by their lower natures live only to please themselves, but those who follow after the Holy Spirit find themselves doing those things that please God."
If you are able to trust in something completely then you have eliminated all the worry and anxieties that come from not knowing the complete picture.
No one can know for certain what the future holds. We don't know what is going to happen from one moment to the next. We are told that God knows what our futures look like and that by believing in Jesus we can trust in Him to guide us with His wisdom. But are you ready to put all your trust into God? and someone called Jesus?
You know that you work hard for everything you have. You know that if you do not take the steps to make a good life for yourself than it just won't happen. You have to be the one in control. You have to do what it takes no matter what the consequences are. You want peace and happiness and by trusting yourself you know that what you are doing is working. Or is it?
You may have done things to help yourself but at what expense? You may have found happiness for a moment but now you want something else. You have desires that pull at you. You want this and that and......... To have means there are expenses. How do we be cautious and take the right steps when we keep following after our own wants and desires?
God has told us that it is trough trusting in Jesus that we can have peace of mind. And it is by trusting in God's Holy Spirit that we can have the wisdom to make the right decisions and never loose sight of God who has blessed us with His love. All God is asking is to follow Jesus and let the Holy Spirit help you keep your thoughts on Him.
So instead of making a decision on your own, try talking to the Holy Spirit and trust in Jesus to guide you. It is by trusting in Jesus that God is pleased with our lives. Giving back to God what He has given to us shows that we are respecting the one who we follow and trust. God does not want our money, He does not want us to buy gifts for Him.
What God wants is for us to recognize Him as the almighty creator of everything there is including the lives we have. God's gift to us is Jesus and through Jesus we are able to live a life with God. It is a privilege and a joy beyond our imagination. God will shower you with a life that will bring you to tears of happiness.
He wants your trust to be in Him. He wants you to be so thankful and happy that you cannot contain how you feel. He wants everyone everywhere to know that He is there for them. You are His child and He wants your eyes to be on Him at all times. No matter what your troubles, worries or anxieties, God wants you to talk to Him and trust in Him. An overwhelming love and peace will fill your heart. There will be no where else that you will want to be.
The troubles will sort themselves out and you will see clearly how God held you close and protected you. Your every moment will become filled with praising God, thankful for Jesus and content knowing that God is with you. Give back to God what He has given to you.
Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you for your love and for knowing my love for you. 😊
1 John chapter 2 verses 26 and 27.
"These remarks of mine about the Antichrist are pointed at those who would dearly love to blindfold you and lead you astray. But you have received the Holy Spirit and He live within you, in your hearts, so that you don't need anyone to teach you what is right. For He teaches you all things, and He is the Truth, and no liar; and so, just as He has said, you must live in Christ, never to depart from Him.
Romans chapter 8 verses 13 and 14.
"For if you keep on following after your old sinful nature, you are lost and will perish, but if through the power of the Holy Spirit you crush it and its evil deeds, you shall live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God."
Matthew chapter 28 verses 19 and 20.
Jesus told the disciples, "Therefore go and make disciples in all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and then teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you; and be sure of this---that I am with you always , even to the end of the world."
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