Walk the right path.
Romans chapter 8 verse 5.
"Those who let themselves be controlled by their lower natures live only to please themselves, but those who follow after the Holy Spirit find themselves doing those things that please God."
If you are not looking, then you won't see. You may pass right by it, and not even notice that it is there.
Humans are very hard to please. We are restless and find it hard to be content. If we are stationary for to long then we start to get ancy. If it is to quiet around us then we begin to wonder where everyone is. Even the most laziest person has desires. So how do we find peace when our minds are constantly guiding us, teasing us and encouraging us to follow our own directions?
Is it so wrong to listen to ourselves? Is it so wrong to do something out of habit? or to just blindly do something without any thought put into it? Many things can go wrong and usually do. Most of us live a roller-coaster life, the days seem to be going well, there are good times, the bills are paid and relationships are happy. Then all decides to go down hill. The low times may last for a short period or they may last longer. The list as to why we have low times varies greatly. Maybe we made some bad financial choices or our anxieties have decided to take hold of our emotions.
So, what does it mean to follow after the Holy Spirit? Like any other interest in our lives, we make an effort to focus on doing what is needed in order to do it right. When you make the choice to call out to God for His love, then you will be getting to know Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You may have heard about God's promises and you may have tried seeking a peaceful life, in areas that have not worked so good.
Maybe you have trusted others and it has cost you nothing but heartache. Maybe you trusted yourself and still it is hard to find rest. Being content requires walking on the right paths. Peace of mind comes from having direction and knowing where trust is coming from. God wants you to trust in Him. He wants you to know Jesus and the trust He had. He wants you to know the promise of the Holy Spirit.
Amazing things will happen to you. Mind blowing and jaw dropping awe, will make you smile. God is almighty. So, He will reveal Himself to you as you take the steps to trust in Him. That means getting to know Him. You can read the bible, you can go to church. You can talk with Him and get to know Jesus.
It is when you are walking with God in everyday life, filled with gratitude and love, that you will see the wrongful leading of temptation and how strong your urge is to follow your own desires. It is in those times that you will feel the Holy Spirit and the strength of God reminding you of self control and the life you are now walking. It is that freedom and strength that makes you smile and now you can take that long well deserved deep breath, knowing that Jesus is with you and God is right there.
Life with Jesus changes everything about you. You will see a clear distinction between who you were before and who you have become. The people who know you will see the change. Love, kindness and understanding now radiate from you. You try to be humble, but the joy you are feeling wants to burst out in song and praise.
I'm not talking about a moment of giddiness. God's promise is forever. It is the place you have longed to be and will never leave. You see Him with you always. You are so thankful to Jesus and the Holy Spirit fills you with contentment, happiness and the passion to share Jesus with everyone. You live to please God.
Thank you Father for Jesus and lighting the paths that we walk upon with You.😊
1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16-18.
"Always be joyful. Always keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31.
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."
2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17.
"When someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!"
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