The 9th commandment.
Exodus chapter 20 verse 16.
"Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor."
In other words we are not to lie or cheat. Period.
That is virtually impossible to do and that is one of the many reasons God sent Jesus. It is not hard to find ourselves backed into a corner, where we may be required to say something that could have a bit of falseness to it. It is also easy to stretch the truth in order to keep the interest of others.
Have you ever found something and kept it without any thought that it belongs to the person who lost it? Have you ever wanted a job so bad that you told the employer just what they wanted to hear, even if you were not qualified for the job? Have you ever said things, that were said, only to save a lot of further discussion?
People don't mean to bear false witness, it is just a way of protection for ourselves. The commandments are to be obeyed, so what are we to do when a simple mistake is made? God knows that humans constantly make mistakes and are easily swayed by the wonderful glitter and stuff of the world.
In fact, God longs for people to obey Him and it saddens Him when we don't. Jesus is the answer. We are not to continually sin, thank God that there is forgiveness to be had, through Jesus. There is a recovery place that we can go and focus on, in order to keep us on the right paths. That place is found by living in the presence of God.
You make the choice as to what you think about. If you know God and what He is about. If you know who Jesus is and what He has done for you, then maybe when those times of lying or cheating or mistreating someone happens, you may think, to step back, and remember what they have taught you.
It is through His Holy Spirit that God communicates to us. By seeking out a life with God, you are seeking His help to be lifted out from the lifestyle you have been following. When we are young it is easy to say that your whole life is ahead of you so why not enjoy the laughter and the excitement of adventure.
The problem is we do not see what the results of following our own desires can bring. We may be aware of the dangers that can happen to our health, and we probably see elders who are results of years of irresponsibility, but still think, in our young age we cannot be affected. It would be great if the life of 'sun and fun' was free from consequences but, there is always the possibility of financial failure, physical injury, addictions or confusion caused by abuse.
If you have heard others talking about God and if you decide that you have had enough of trying and never getting anywhere, then stop yourself for a moment and listen to what is being offered. Maybe you will want to find peace in a life with Jesus. Maybe you will take His hand and let Him lift you from the troubles you have struggled with for so long.
Slowly you will see changes happen to your life. It is not instantaneous, it is a gift from God and He does not just freely give it to anyone who is seeking a quick fix. He wants you to know it has come from Him and He wants your gratitude. He wants you to know Jesus. It is through your healing that He becomes the light of your life.
There is no other place you want to be, all you want, is to live in His presence. You will think of Him and want to live a good clean life, where others will know that you are happy and content. The wonderful gift of God is forgiveness. It would be nice if we could say that we will not falter or make mistakes, but we do, and it is because of walking with Jesus that we can see the temptations and mistakes that are made and quickly call out to God for help.
Walking with Him means you know that He is there. So you are protected and can always count on His love to be with you. He will give you the wisdom you need. He will give you the strength and power to overcome. You will be filled with a joy that brings everlasting happiness and thankfulness.
Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you for forgiveness and understanding. We are not perfect and yet, You love us always. 😊
Psalms chapter 42 verse 8.
"Yet day by day the Lord also pours out His steadfast love upon me, and through the night I sing His songs and pray to God who gives me life."
Hebrews chapter 12 verse 10.
"Our earthly fathers trained us for a few brief years, doing the best for us that they knew how, but God's correction is always right and for our best good, that we may share His holiness."
2 John chapter 1 verse 9.
"For if you wander beyond the teaching of Christ, you will leave God behind; while if you are loyal to Christ's teachings, you will have God too. Then you will have both the Father and the Son."
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