Psalms chapter 107 verses 27-32.
"They reel and stagger like drunkards and are at their wit's end. Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble, and He saves them. He calms the storms and stills the waves."
In the middle of winter the days are short and nightfall comes on early. A lot of time is spent indoors because of the cold outside. No wonder bears hibernate, they don't like the winter and find it easier to just skip over it, in the warmth of sleep.
It would be nice to do that but if we did then all of us would be big, overweight and looking for food all the time. Humans are not like that. It is easy to hide away in the winter cold months but we need to keep our minds active and try our best to keep our bodies healthy.
There are so many distractions that make it easy to get pulled into the doldrums. Multi media is one way where you get involved in the sadness of the world. Watching television is another way to pass the time away or just not wanting to do anything because of the cold, dark days. So, how do we get through those times?
Like anything we do, it takes energy. It takes setting your mind on something and doing it. It is easy to fall back on fear because of the lack of knowledge. It is easy to just go sit down with your phone or computer or television and waste away the day. Or you can say I'm bored and want to do something. Anything!
You need to push past the simple excuses and try something. You will make mistakes, but with each mistake made you learn. Don't give up. No one is asking you to build a ship or a house. Do something that you would enjoy. Everyone likes to eat food, so maybe learn to cook something tasty. Surprise your family with a nice meal. Maybe get the vacuum out or a duster. A clean environment always feels better and stirs up our energy.
You can take on bigger tasks and you can be successful. Your life and how you handle it is up to you. No one is going to force you to do something, you do not want to do. The stories of life come from the things we have done. You know that stuff you are looking at on your phone or television, they are stories of peoples lives.
People like to talk about the things they have done. I'm not talking about gossip, which is easy to do when we judge what others are speaking about. Instead of being someone who criticizes, be the person that has the interesting story of involvement or something you were successful at creating.
Now there is also the joy that you feel inside when you are giving all the praise and glory to God for your ability to try. A good example is how you feel when you do something and get praised by others for it. It feels good to be praised. Well that is the joy you feel when God blesses you with the knowledge and understanding to be successful, or the right words that you have used to help others. It is an overwhelming joy that is everlasting. And you will look for His guidance and love to be with you always.
When you set a goal, you have a want to accomplish it. When you walk with Jesus you are not alone in reaching your goal. God was with Him and He is also with you. The same confidence and wisdom that God gave Jesus, God will bless you with. The joy is walking through life, living in His presence. Knowing that He is with you and, has and always will, protect you from the life without Him.
He will prove it to you over and over again. Never faltering even if we make mistakes. The Holy Spirit is always right there encouraging us to hold tightly to Jesus and to keep our eyes on God. Even if it is cold outside, there is warmth to be found in life with God. Know the joy of accomplishing everything you do, because you are thankful to God for His love and His welcoming home for you.
Thank you Father for Jesus and our place in life with you where we are never bored or cold. 😊
2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 7.
"This precious treasure---this light and power that now shine within us---is held in a perishable container, that is, in our weak bodies. Everyone can see that the glorious power within must be from God and is not our own."
2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 18.
"So we do not look at what we can see right now, the troubles all around us, but we look forward to the joys in heaven which we have not yet seen. The troubles will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever."
Psalms chapter 50 verses 14 and 15.
What God wants from us is our true thanks; "I want your promises fulfilled. I want you to trust in Me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you, and you can give me glory."
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