The crack of light

Isaiah chapter 41 verse 10.
"Fear Not. For I am your God. Be not dismayed for I am with you. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will lift you upon My victorious right hand."

   You see the small crack of light coming from the other side of the room. You know there must be something on the other side for there is light coming from there. It's so dark where you are. You can see the light and want to move towards it, but you are unsure of what may be in your way.
   The curiosity of knowing what is there is greater than your fear of stumbling, so you shuffle forward carefully and find nothing there. So far so good you think. You shuffle forward a bit more and again there is nothing blocking your way. You are getting closer, the shuffling seems to show, the way is clear, confidently you take a step, only to trip and fall. It was not just any clean fall, it hurt and you bounced off of more than one object before hitting the ground.
It takes a while for you to gather you thoughts. You can feel the pain. Nothing seems broken except maybe your ego. It was silly of you to think that you could get to your destination without being able to see where you are going. Lying there, you once again notice the light, except this time you can see movement. Now your curiosity has gripped you, making you determined to get there.
   You don't know the object you fell over and you are not sure how many more there may be. Oh, how you long to just stay put, knowing you are safe. As long as you don't move, then you won't get hurt, so you stay where you are getting more frustrated with not knowing peace. Every once in a while you get a glimpse of the crack of light and wonder. You really would like to move towards it but now your fear returns.
   Suddenly the light glows bright, and you can see the objects between you and there. You can see the shape of a body, then the light disappears leaving only that crazy crack of light. You want so bad to live in the light and not in the dark. There were only a few objects, you should not stand still.
   Tired and weary you decide to take that chance and face whatever may be in your way. You cautiously shuffle forward, this time you are prepared to fall. You feel something and work hard to find the way around it. Ever so slowly you make your way, it is like the way is getting easier to get to. You feel the draw and now the hope of achieving your goal.
   You are there, but now what. The light is shining on your feet, you are so close. Your thoughts are filling your mind and you have forgotten about your troubles and your worries for the future. All you want is to get into that light. You reach out and whisper "Oh please let me in" You feel a hand take your arm, someone was with you, the darkness gives way to the light and you can see.
   Everything is clearly seen. There are all sorts of objects everywhere, all shapes and sizes and you can see them. There are people and they are walking freely, talking with one another and helping each other navigate the mess. You look at who has your arm and ask him "Sir, who are you and what is this place?" "My name is Jesus and you are in the presence of God."
   You had heard about this, but never would you have thought that such a place was real. You felt relieved and an awesome peace. No longer alone in the dark, but seeing clearly Jesus with you. Your new to this and want to explore.
   Someone else is standing beside you and then another, you all have this wonderful look of awe. You help each other get around the troubles that block your way and talk about how nice it is to see them and not stumble. You talk about Jesus and how thankful you are to be here. There is much joy and singing everywhere, your happiness explodes into song's of praise and thanksgiving.
   You hear a voice or the sound of a horn, you have not gone anywhere. You are at home or in your car or at work. You smile and someone wonders what your joy is about. "Don't you see?", "See what?"
   Humbly you continue going about your day, but now you seem to be picking up on the concerns that others have in their lives. You want to listen and instead of solving their issues you are given the right words that help.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and your amazing love. More than I could have ever imagined.😊

Psalms chapter 119 verses 105 and 106.
"Your words are a flashlight to light the path ahead of me, and keep me from stumbling. I have said it once and I'll say it again and again; I will obey the wonderful laws of Yours."

2 Samuel chapter 22 verse 29.
"O Lord you are my light! You make my darkness bright."

Romans chapter 12 verse 2.
"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how His ways will really satisfy you."



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