Take it to God.
Proverbs chapter 21 verse 2.
"We can justify our every deed but God looks at our motives."
Habits are easy to reproduce. You can even perform them with out failure every time, but there could be a time when even the most repeated thing fails.
We quickly get bored of doing the same task over and over again. Distraction can lead to mistakes and mistakes can be costly. A good example is the simple task of house cleaning. It needs to be done but when you don't pay attention to what you are doing then your precious heirloom may get knocked over and damaged. Or maybe you are doing the dishes and that glass breaks in the water, cutting your hand. Or maybe you are doing the laundry and your favorite shirt comes out dyed with a different color.
Do you get disheartened by the results or do you admit your mistake realizing that you had fallen short of paying attention. Mistakes do get made and they can make us apprehensive about trying the task again. It is in that awareness that we see where we failed. So, to do a good job, you need to look at what you are about to do, and pay attention to how the task is being done.
What about tasks that you have never done before? Most people quickly realize that money is needed in order to survive. And to get money you need to work. There are other ways, but even that takes ingenuity and can be exhausting. There can be all sorts of reasons given as to why you have shortfalls and failures, but it is the one who sees their issues and overcomes by wanting to do better.
Attitudes and pride can hinder your being successful. It is in our nature to want a better life. No matter where you are in life it is up to you, to get up and do something about it. If you sit back and do nothing than your health will quickly fail. People around you will not respect you and you will feel grief. Failure is going to happen, mistakes will be made, but don't run and hide. Stop yourself take a breath and ask yourself what went wrong then do it with right intentions.
It is when we ask ourselves what our motive is that we see our selfish ways. I may have had a good job and I did make mistakes. I may have easily became bored and wondered why I was not married. I may have spent too much time, too much money and too much effort enjoying what I called fun! After a while the local bars and the hazy day's took their toll. I was lonely and not performing appropriately. My family noticed, my colleagues noticed and I knew in the back of my mind that I was not happy. Wow, the good life was not so good!
I struggled with wanting to do better. It was like something had a hold of me and was leading me astray, not forward. God is the answer. Jesus is my Savior. On my own, I was trying so hard to please my own desires. God showed me Jesus and Jesus showed me how much God loves me and cares about me. So, what does that have to do with my motives? I saw for the first time that my life is not about me, but about God and His love for all of us.
He is the Almighty. He is the Creator of all things and He has the ability to change circumstances as He see's fit. So I reached out to God and I got to know Jesus and everything changed. The world around me became enjoyable to be in. I became thankful for waking up and a renewed energy. I began to see results, not just in education, but in kindness also.
I no longer wanted to do better for myself, but to make people aware that it is God, who gives us all we have, and not a moment should go by without looking to Him for guidance. Not a moment should go by without being thankful. God sent Jesus to show us the way. The way to trust and rely upon God for everything. That is what I was missing. My intention and my motives were about me and not about Him. Now, I no longer find happiness in complaining, but happiness is found in trusting and loving God. Let Jesus show you. Let the Holy Spirit amaze you, your heart will burst with praise and thankfulness.
Thank you Father for Jesus and living in the Light of Your presence, where life with you is seen clearly. 😊
Exodus chapter 24 verse 42.
"Well, this afternoon when I came to the spring I prayed this prayer: O Jehovah, the God of my master Abraham, if You are planning to make my mission a success, please guide me in this way..."
Psalms chapter 18 verses 28-30.
"You have turned on my light! The Lord my God has made my darkness turn to light. Now in Your strength I can scale any wall, attack any troop.. What a God He is! How perfect in every way! All His promises are true. He is a shield for anyone who hides behind Him."
Psalms chapter 4 verses 4 and 5.
"Stand before the Lord in awe, and do not sin against Him. Lie quietly upon your bed in silent meditation. Put your trust in the Lord, and offer Him pleasing sacrifices."
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