
Ephesians chapter 4 verses 2 and 3.
"Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowances for each other's faults because of your love. Try always to be led along together by the Holy Spirit, and so be at peace with one another."

How is your home life going? How is your social life going? How is your work environment getting along?
   "Some day's are good and others...well they could be better." We all have days where we are not feeling the best and in most cases we don't even know why the conversations create feelings of animosity, that can easily escalate into arguments, ending up with judgments and maybe life long hurts.
   Gossip is a harmful tool. The words we speak about others should be encouraging and up lifting but it is easy to degrade someone and make comments that you may think are funny, but in reality are hurtful. If you can talk like that, then how do you think others are talking about you? And the ones that you are making the comments to, may not like what you are saying or they may be enticing you along by adding fuel to your fire.
    What happens if you hear what is being said about you or what if the person you are commenting on hears how you are talking about them? No one likes to be the brunt of someones else's silly comments. So I ask you why is it that we find it so easy to make comments about others? Is it that we are looking for the attention of others? Maybe there is hatred there that has been caused by comments made towards you. Maybe you are just not a nice person and you find it easier to make comments then to face the fact of who you may be hurting.
   Being kind and watching closely all that we say and do is not an easy task but like any hard work effort, the rewards are fulfilling. When we are children, we quickly learn that you have to stick up for yourself otherwise people will take what you have and then make fun of you for how easy it was to have taken from you. That is sad and it does not have to be that way. Yes, there will always be bullies, but how we handle them determines the outcome of situations.
   If you are kind and have the right words to speak then the outcome can soften hearts and maybe create love and friendships. With family it is easy to forgive and forget but with others it may not be so easy. It is built into us to survive and not let others push us around.
   Jesus wants us to know that we do not have to live like that. God does not want us to hurt each other, He does not want us to be bullies. He wants us to love one another and to be there to help guide and bring them to know His love. We don't know how others are feeling or what circumstances have formed their day, but a kind word and a willingness to offer a hand goes a long way. You may have been put in the right place at the right time, to be that load lifting voice that someone needs.
   God worked through Jesus to touch people, and so, you too, are that voice in a world of need that can bring people to a life with God. God guides your thoughts and you live to please Him, so you get amazed when the opportunities come your way. It is as if God has directed people in your direction so that they can hear what you have to say about Jesus. There is enough sadness and harsh words spoken and people are easily frustrated, blurting out hurtful stuff.
   Jesus was the light that brightened someones day. You can also be that same light that brings the miracle of Jesus into someones heart. It is your wonderful love for Jesus and joy of God's forgiveness that fills your heart. You can't help but stand out as His. Others don't know you, only your closest friends do, but others do see that there is something about you that they like and are attracted to.
   That is God filling your life with His Holy Spirit and the joy of Jesus with you always.
Thank you Father for Jesus and Your love that fills our hearts all day long. 😊 

2 Peter chapter 3 verse 14.
"Dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen and for Him to come, try hard to live without sinning; and be at peace with everyone so that He will be pleased with you when He returns."

Matthew chapter 22 verses 37-40.
Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second most important is similar; Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself. All the other commandments and all the demands of the prophets stem from these two laws and are fulfilled if you obey them. Keep only these and you will find that you are obeying all the others."

Galatians chapter 3 verse 14.
"Now God can bless the Gentiles, too, with this same blessing He promised to Abraham; and all of us as Christians can have the promised Holy Spirit through this faith."


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