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Luke chapter 8 verses 38 and 39.
The man who had been demon-possessed begged to go too, but Jesus said no. "Go back to your family," Jesus told him, "and tell them what a wonderful thing God has done for you." So he went all through the city telling everyone about Jesus' mighty miracle.
What amazing thing has Jesus healed you from? Something that you knew was out of your control? Something that you worked hard at to achieve and knew that there is no way, that what you did, could have been achieved under your own will power?
Do you believe that God blessed you? Do you believe that it was God who stood beside you and held you close as you stepped out of the dark shadows that loomed over your life and into the light of being able to breath freely?
No matter what it is that has brought you to the point of calling out for help, there is hope to be found in Jesus. The man in Luke chapter 8, asked Jesus "What do you want with me?" You may think that in order to get something you have to do something, but with Jesus, there are no strings attached. There is only the promise to heal you and have you know that it was God who healed you.
It is the facts of the truth that cannot be denied. So, we are filled with joy and overwhelmed with happiness. There is no denying it, you are healed and it is a miracle. You tell others and become a witness hoping that they too will believe you. You cannot hide from the facts and because you have been thankful to God, He continues to bless you.
Humans worry about everything and that leads us to call upon God for His healing power so that we can find peace with our thoughts. Remember that God is almighty and Jesus talked with Him about everything. He was able to face His accusers and overcome the horrible beatings all because He knew God was with Him.
You have been healed and have overcome your demons all because you trusted in God and believed what Jesus has told you. Now you see clearly that God is your Father and you have come home. He is watching over you. He always has, so talk to Him. Let the joy of what He has done for you be your beaming smile. Your listening ear, your patience and your comfort.
The world is filled with people who are hurting and lost. They may be defensive about what God can do for them. You know that you once were just as they are and now you know that it is God, through His Son, Jesus, that you are seeing differently. Be yourself. Enjoy what God has blessed you with and be thankful to Him always for everything. He is real and is with you all the time, protecting you and filling you with love.
It is that love for life that others will see. It is the joy you have that others will want. Let God shine out in all you do. Let the joy of Jesus be your strength, and you will be filled with the right words to speak, so that everyone will know that God is our Father, whom is there for all people. It is through your devotion to God and your love for Jesus, that God will direct you and keep you on the paths of right living.
Jesus knew that death faced Him and He was filled with peace. He helped others come to know God and to know that they have a home with Him. We cannot stop aging, but we can let go of the burdens that trouble us and know that God is with us. The light that surrounded Jesus is the same light that surrounds you. What a wonderful peace knowing that we are loved and protected by God.
Thank you Father for Jesus and the days ahead knowing that You are always there. 😊
Ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 18.
"Tackle every task that comes along, and if you fear God you can expect His blessings."
Mark chapter 4 verses 37-41.
But soon a terrible storm arose. High waves began to break into the boat until it was nearly full of water and about to sink. Jesus was asleep at the back of the boat with His head on a cushion. Frantically they wakened Him, shouting, "Teacher, don't You even care that we are all about to drown?" Then He rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Quiet down!" And the wind fell, and there was a great calm! And He asked them, "Why were you so fearful? Don't you even yet have confidence in Me?" And they were filled with awe and said among themselves "Who is this man that even the winds and seas obey Him?"
Luke chapter 8 verse 10.
Jesus replied, "God has granted you to know the meaning of these parables, for they tell a great deal about the Kingdom of God. But these crowds hear the words and do not understand, just as the ancient prophets predicted.
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