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Judges chapter 6 verse 13.
"Stranger," Gideon replied, "if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? And where are the miracles our ancestors have told us about---such as when God brought them out of Egypt?"
What is there in life that really makes you want to believe that God exists? All around us are troubles and misery. We get joy for only a moment and then it is gone. What are riches? Is it money that makes you happy? If so then why is it such a struggle for some and seem easier for others?
We can read about the amazing miracles of God, but why are we not seeing those miracles happen to us? If He is such a loving God, who cares for His people, then where is He in my life? Everything is falling apart. Our health fails and what we work so hard to get, others want to take away from us. Do you feel tired and worn out?
As Gideon found out, God has not gone anywhere. He is here and always will be. If you reach out to Him and work hard to hold closely to His guidance, then you will know His presence around you. There are churches and people go to them to praise God for His blessings upon their lives. The people that go to churches are no different than anyone one else. They have their fair share of issues, but they believe that God does do miracles and can tell you stories of how they believe that He has touched their lives.
Are you happy and content? I don't mean at this moment, but always, everyday and every moment! Is there such a thing? Yes! Comfort comes when we know what is happening and can see the path ahead. I read this morning that God is not a sign post showing us the way, but that He walks with us, making sure that we do not lose sight of Him, trusting where He leads us.
That is what brings such amazing joy and peace to our lives. And it is that joy that we share with others, expressing it and speaking of it, without even realizing that we are doing the work of God. It is those who wrap themselves in life with Him, that are not missing out on His presence. There is no doubt about their gratitude, for God guides their thoughts and the words they speak. They seek Him in all they do, trusting in Him to provide the patience and understanding that brings honor and glory to Him.
Pray all the time for everyone. Pray that they can trust in God to be there with them. Pray that you are given the direction to serve Him, so that He is seen in everything you do. It is your joy that makes you real. Nothing about you is false, people see and know you as someone with confidence and happiness. And they know that you are walking with God.
Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you seeing us as Your excellent creations. 😊
Genesis chapter 1 verse 31.
"Then God looked over all that He had made, and it was excellent in every way."
Proverbs chapter 1 verse 7.
"How does a man become wise? The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord!"
Isaiah chapter 42 verse 18.
"Oh, how blind and deaf you are towards God! Why won't you listen? Why won't you see?"
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