Be Yourself
Psalms chapter 139
verses 23 and 24.
me, O God, and know my heart; test my thoughts. Point out anything You find in
me that makes You sad, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”
Hard work is something we should be doing each and every day. If it is not doesn’t happen, then a person can easily become settled in their ways. They can become lazy and endure health problems. They can become angry at others who try to encourage them and they become very opinionated about whatever it is they come across.
Hard work is something we should be doing each and every day. If it is not doesn’t happen, then a person can easily become settled in their ways. They can become lazy and endure health problems. They can become angry at others who try to encourage them and they become very opinionated about whatever it is they come across.
Wow! A lot of no good
can come from not wanting to do anything.
From overweight to anxieties caused by guilt. It seems when things get
done everyone is happy. Having things to
keep us busy gives a person purpose. They feel like they have accomplished
something, even if the job we are doing has not worked out just the way we
wanted it too. Mistakes can easily be
made but they are also easily forgiven and learned from.
The other thing is
expectations of how things are to be done. Some people have higher standards
then others and when someone is a teacher then they are understanding of others
and their knowledge of the tasks ahead. Are we to be the judge over others and
what they do with their lives? No! We are to be examples of what a good healthy
life style should be like.
If you swear and use
foul language, if you gossip and talk about thoughts that are corrupt and
filthy then that will be the way others will talk to you. You attract those who
are like you. If you are kind and understanding, if you help others and speak
the truth, if you watch closely the words that you speak then you will be liked
and treated by others as you treat them.
God wants you to know
Jesus and follow the life that He led. It is a privilege and honor to live in
the presence of God. You want to be
honorable by working hard to live and life that is pleasing to God. Serving Him
joyfully. It does not matter the tasks you take on for whatever you do it is
done knowing that you are working with God at your side.
When you live with
God, your life is about God and nothing else. You start your day and end your
day in thanksgiving. You read the bible and talk with God about everything. You
know that all you do is under the watchful eye of God. You are aware of how you
live your life. You are aware of the words you speak and the things you look
at. You control your thoughts and words so that you are honoring God.
You are prepared to
help others and lead them to know Jesus by your actions. You work hard at
living a life that is pleasing to god, your heavenly Father. There is an
eternal joy in your heart that never leaves you and others get to experience
the joy you express.
You are looked upon as
trustworthy and dependable. It is that kind of person that others are
comfortable around and may open up about the worries and troubles they have in
their lives. And that gives you the opportunity to share Jesus and give your
testimony with how you were helped and led to a life of serving God.
Peace of mind comes
from being happy and content. When you know that your life is provided for and
that there are miracles that could only have come from God because e you
reached out to Jesus, then you will finally have the secret to life. And it is
the secret that you want everyone to know.
True life is found through trusting in Jesus to bring you into life with
Thank you Father for
Jesus and giving us purpose through honoring You, in the joy of serving You.😊
Ephesians chapter 4
verses 2 and 3.
“Be humble and
gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults
because of your love. Try always to be led along together by the Holy Spirit,
and so be at peace with one another.”
James chapter 3
verses 17 and 18.
“But the wisdom that
comes from heaven is first of all pure and full of quiet gentleness. Then it is
peace-loving and courteous. It allows discussion and is willing to yield to
others; it is full of mercy and good deeds. It is wholehearted and straightforward
and sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a
harvest of goodness.”
Matthew chapter 11
verses 28 and 29.
Jesus told them;
“Come to Me and I will give you rest---all of you who work so hard beneath a
heavy yoke. Wear My yoke---for it fits perfectly---and let Me teach you; for I
am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls; for I give you
only light burdens.”
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