
Romans chapter 8 verse 3.
"We are not saved from sin's grasp by knowing the commandments of God, because we can't and don't keep them, but God put into effect a different plan to save us. He sent His own Son in a human body like ours---except that ours are sinful---and destroyed sin's control over us by giving Himself as a sacrifice for our sins."

Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you feel like everyday is a battle to get through? Are the bills too much? Are your children rebellious and don't listen to a word you say? Do you wish that drugs and alcohol did not have such a control over your life? Are you lonely and find it hard to meet that right person whom will fit in with your life and treat you with respect and love? 
   These are only a few of the burdens that fill our thoughts everyday. People have attitudes that affect our peace. Your issues are just as real as the next persons. You have not got time to involve yourself with others issues because your own issues are weighing heavy upon you. You do care about the people you know, and you do want to help them, but they are so demanding and consume your days, leaving you with little time for yourself.
   You want to be thought of. You want to be loved. You want to have success and live in peace. You want to help everyone, but they don't seem to want to help themselves, all they do is continually gripe and go from one issues to the next. All around you are the good things of the world and you work hard to get them, and you deserve to have them! "It is my life and if I don not take care of myself then no one else is."
   Jesus has been sent to offer the life of peace, that you so long for. No matter what your situation, no matter what crimes you have committed or wrongful things you have done. God wants you to know that through Jesus you are forgiven. God does not judge who you are or look at what you have done. He see that you are asking Him for help and in need of His Son.
   It is through knowing Him that peace can enter into your life. You may think that your troubles are too much to handle. Now think for a moment about Jesus and what He went through. His suffering and pain is nothing compared to what we deal with each day. But that was Jesus and not you. Your problems are real to you and are affecting every part of your life. God lifted Jesus up from His problems and placed Him in the highest of honor next to Him and so He does with you.
   He knows your life and He does not want to see you suffer. He wants you to have a life of peace where your burdens are light and your thankfulness is given to Him. The troubles of this world are never ending, but God has the power to guide you with wisdom and common sense. You will be successful and grateful to God. all because you are trusting in Him, as a child trusts in their parent.
   You will stumble and fall, but you know that you are not alone and that when you call out to God, He is listening to you. You are confident and at peace. Not confused and overwhelmed by falling but knowing that God is there with you, just as He was with Jesus.
   So, you help others joyfully. You face your issues because you have brought them to God in prayer and He has filled you with the confidence of Him with you. Peace is in your life and now you get to enjoy the world around you because you are with God. Living in His world, the world He created for all to enjoy.
   Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you for the unlimited times that you keep saving us from our never ending issues. 😊 

Matthew chapter 14 verses 28-30.
Then Peter called out to Jesus; "Sir, if it is really You, tell me to come over to You, walking on the water." "All right" the Lord said, "come along!" So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he looked around at the high waves, he was terrified and began to sink. "Save me Lord!" he shouted. Instantly Jesus reached out His hand and rescued him.

Proverbs chapter 2 verse 9 and 10.
"God shows how to distinguish right from wrong, how to find the right decision every time. For wisdom and truth will enter the very center of your being, filling your life with joy."

Psalms chapter 139 verses 3-5.
"O Lord, You chart the path ahead of me, and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment, you know where I am. You know what I am going to say before I even say it. You both precede and follow me, and place your hand of blessing on my head."


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