1 Chronicles chapter 17 verses 18 and 20.
"What else can I say? You know that I am but a dog, yet You have decided to honor me! O Lord, You have given me these wonderful promises just because You want to be kind to me, because of Your own great heart. O Lord, there is no one like You---there is no other God. In fact, we have never even heard of another God like You!"
Have you ever been treated better than someone else? Does it not make you feel good? Like you are the important one? At work you may be the one who has the knowledge to train others, or you may be the one that is in charge of the project to be completed. In your home you are the one who is asked the questions that people seek the answers for. It makes you feel like you have purpose and acceptance.
All seems to be good and going your way until someone else is given that favoritism over you. Suddenly you have a feeling of jealousy or resentment. You may not like those feelings and work all the harder to get back in the spotlight. Only to find out that you are still not any better than the next guy. You have come to realize that, it is nice to be the center of attention but others need to feel that attention also. It is encouragement and love that makes everything come together. You were shown that by someone, and that is what gave you the idea that you were somewhat better than someone else.
Being humble is not easy in a world where everyone is struggling to be ahead of the other person. But in the long run, it is the humble person who people come to. Have you ever been in a situation where you need to promote yourself in order to get the job you want? It is not just your skill anyone wants anymore, it is also your attitude for getting along with others that is important.
When you are faced with looking at yourself and seeking the advice of those who best know you, it could be hard to hear and accept what they are saying. Listening and accepting can change you from self-centered to self-willing. That is what God is wanting for you through Jesus. To let go of the expectations you put on yourself. He wants you to let go of your fears of failure and anxieties of inadequacy. He wants you to belong to His family where He is seen as your Father.
When you do come to God and ask Him for His forgiveness, the forgiveness of wandering through life without trusting in Him and His promises, that is when you feel the ultimate of peace and acceptance. You know that life has changed for you because you are putting others first and loving God's provision in your life.
You no longer feel weak and left out, for you are involved all the time in representing Him. You are living in His light, where He is pleased with who you are. And you see His love for you in the way you are humbled at being content with Him. There is no other place you want to be, but living in His presence. Thinking of Him, praising Him and seeking His wisdom to guide you and protect you.
You will be thankful, you can't help it! Your joy is overflowing and all because you belong to His family. It will leave you in awe and filled with why me? But you love what He has given to you through Jesus and it is that love and acceptance that brings joy to everything.
Thank you Father for Jesus and each new day where there are always new beginnings with You.😊
1 Chronicles chapter 17 verses 23-27.
"And now I accept Your promise, Lord, that I and my children will always rule this nation. And may this bring eternal honor to Your name as everyone realizes that You always do what You say. They will exclaim, 'The Lord of heaven is indeed the God of Israel!' And Israel shall always be ruled by my children and their posterity! Now I have the courage to pray to You, for You have revealed this to me. God Himself has promised this good thing to me! May this blessing rest upon my children forever, for when You grant a blessing, Lord, it is an eternal blessing!" (King David, is thanking God for His blessings, the same blessings that God gives to you!)
Exodus chapter 33 verses 12 and 13.
Moses talked there with the Lord and said to Him, "You have been telling me, 'Take these people to the Promised Land,' but You haven't told me whom You will send with me. You say You are my friend, and that I have found favor before You; please, if this is really so, guide me clearly along the way You want me to travel so that I will understand You and walk acceptably before You."
Luke chapter 12 verses 6 and 7.
"What is the price of five sparrows? A couple of pennies? Not much more than that. Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And He knows the number of hairs on your head! Never fear, you are far more valuable to Him than a whole flock of sparrows."
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